Archbishop Fernández, Pope Francis' new appointment to head the CDF, decried one specific criticism of his 1995 book, but left wider concerns about the text unanswered.
The fast-moving case of the Carmelite convent in Arlington, Texas appears to have reached something of a conclusion, with the nuns' civil suit having been dismissed by the courts.
Pope Francis' appointment of Argentinian Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández to the Vatican's top doctrinal position has raised concerns over his support for Communion for the divorced and 'remarried,' promotion of erotic actions, and downplaying Church teaching opposing same-sex 'marriage.'
Programmability is a key feature of CBDC, where governments, banks, and their customers could have total control over when, where, and how your money is spent.
The government will provide the Australian Communications and Media Authority with 'new powers to hold digital platforms to account and improve efforts to combat harmful misinformation and disinformation in Australia.'
Critics argue that the controversial Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act, particularly Section 702, provides a loophole for agencies to collect communications from millions of Americans, including data from major companies like Google and Facebook.
Abortion-free states, rising birth numbers, shuttered abortion centers, and countless babies saved: There's a lot to be excited about in post-Roe America.
While slavery certainly meets the criterion of being a well-documented human injustice, existing from 1619 to 1865 in the US (but not California), seven generations later it is not possible to identify any living black persons as members of a distinct group that continues to suffer harm causally connected to slavery.