Search Results for: Tom Harris

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TORONTO, June 30 ( – In his March 4 article in the National Post, “The Long road to political reform”, Peter C. Newman reported on his interview with political strategist and then non-leadership candidate Tom Long. Newman related Long’s surprisingly candid comments about his long-term strategy to use the Canadian Alliance and Preston Manning to create a winning new federal conservative party in the image of the Ontario Tories. Who would head that party? Not Preston Manning. Newman wrote “Despite his temporary alliance with Preston Manning, helping him to kick start the Canadian Alliance, Mr. Long has his own candidate […]


OTTAWA, Dec 5, 2000 ( – The sore losers in the campaign to have Tom Long head the Canadian Alliance party have come out swinging after the federal election, falsely claiming that the Alliance must abandon its social conservatism to win in Ontario. This confirms what was suspected about Tom Long’s key strategists during the leadership campaign. The Harris Tories were suspected of promoting their own agenda to re-make the Alliance. This would have taken the form of another socially liberal, inner circle controlled central power machine, with no intention of strengthening the social quality of life in the country. […]

LifeSite Special Report - Canadian Alliance Leadership Candidates Analysis

Monday May 8, 2000 See today’s LifeSiteNews stories Send news tips Canadian Alliance Leadership Candidates Analysis These three items on the Canadian Alliance leadership race are excerpted from the May CLC National News. They provide an excellent overview of the main candidates from the social conservative perspective. CLC National News – May 2000 CANADIAN ALLIANCE LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES ONE MEMBER, ONE VOTE TOM LONG WIN WOULD BE ALLIANCE DISASTER CANADIAN ALLIANCE LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES Since the last newsletter, two other contenders have joined former Reform Party leader Preston Manning and former Alberta Treasurer Stockwell Day in seeking the Canadian Alliance leadership. Toronto […]

An Odd Sort of Family Values

Reproduced by LifeSite News with permission from Michael Coren May 4, 2000 By MICHAEL COREN Sun Media They must be the most exploited two words in North American politics: family values. Everybody claims to stand for them and approve of them. articularly on the political right. For that reason all of the men running for leadership of the Canadian Alliance are declaring themselves to be the family values candidate. Of Preston Manning and Stockwell Day there are no doubts. But what of Tom Long? He has already fudged issues, refusing to say very much about very much. More revealing is […]


TORONTO, Jan 20 (LifeSiteNews) – Ontario Premier Mike Harris’ campaign wizard, Tom Long, has bid adieu to the federal Tories in his article in the January 18 National Post. The article is causing concern among social conservatives who fear Long’s involvement in the United Alternative may be to transform it into a clone of the fiscal conservative only Harris regime. Critics note that although most Reformers and UA supporters might agree with much of this fiscal agenda, nowhere in Long’s article is there any mention of also providing a political alternative to the anti-family, anti-life and social left-wing, Liberal, Tory […]


Nota: Este artículo ha sido traducido automáticamente al español. Monday June 26, 2000 See today’s LifeSiteNews stories Send news tips PRO-GAY PAPER CONFIRMS GAY ACTIVIST POLITICAL INFLUENCE TORONTO, June 26 ( – The June 22-28 edition of Toronto’s subculture newspaper, NOW, contains a major article by writer Scott Anderson confirming the extensive political involvement of key homosexual activists in the Harris government and the Tom Long Alliance leadership campaign. The article names names and details how the homosexual movement influenced Mike Harris and Tom Long to accept its agenda. One of the activists the article extensively quotes is George Marsland […]

LifeSite NewsBytes

YWCA Fires Pro-abortion Lesbian, Wiccan praising, socialist Patricia Ireland The YWCA’s decision to fire Patricia Ireland is late but welcome, according to the pro-family lobby which conducted a national campaign for her removal.   Vote in CNN’s marriage poll:   Strong Indications Mike Harris Will Join New Party Leadership Race Former Ontario premier will give speech Wednesday on new party in N.S.  Toronto Star reports Tom Long, a key adviser to Mike Harris, said people should pay close attention to the Wednesday speech to the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, a right-wing think-tank. A united conservative party lead […]

UA Could be stolen right out from under Reform

The United Alternative initiative, which spawned the Canadian Alliance over the weekend, could be taken over by “the Machiavellian Ontario Tories,” according to John Ibbitson in a front page Globe and Mail story on Saturday. Indeed, Ontario Tories Tom Long and Tony Clement, often mentioned Mike Harris and the “Common Sense Revolution” in their frequent appearances as organizational leaders at the United Alternative meeting. Ibbitson suggests that Long may try for leadership of the Canadian Alliance and be backed in his bid by the Harris “campaign team” including “Alister Campbell, communications specialist, Paul Rhodes, master spin doctor, Mark Mullins, the […]