Search Results for: cchd

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Showing results 31 through 40

Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD

By Patrick B. Craine GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, April 26, 2010 ( – Bishop Lawrence Brandt of Greensburg, Pennsylvania announced Thursday that his diocese will no longer support the U.S. bishops' domestic anti-poverty arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), because the national organization has funded groups that promote activities contrary to Catholic teaching. Speaking at a fundraising dinner for Catholic Charities of Greensburg, the bishop announced his plan to develop a Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund to support the poor locally with funds that had previously been sent to the national CCHD. “This change allows our diocese to know exactly how […]

Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD

Nota: Este artículo ha sido traducido automáticamente al español. Monday April 26, 2010 Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD By Patrick B. Craine GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, April 26, 2010 ( – Bishop Lawrence Brandt of Greensburg, Pennsylvania announced Thursday that his diocese will no longer support the U.S. bishops’ domestic anti-poverty arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), because the national organization has funded groups that promote activities contrary to Catholic teaching. Speaking at a fundraising dinner for Catholic Charities of Greensburg, the bishop announced his plan to develop a Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund to support the […]

Four US Bishops Did Not Take up Collection for Embattled CCHD

Four US Bishops Did Not Take up Collection for Embattled CCHD by By Patrick B. Craine WASHINGTON, D.C., November 23, 2009 ( – While many U.S. bishops have publicly acknowledged problems with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), (LSN) has confirmed that at least four bishops opted to not take up this year’s national collection. A controversy has erupted in the U.S. Church in recent weeks after evidence came to light showing that numerous CCHD grantees have promoted issues and practices in violation of Catholic teaching, including abortion, contraception, and same-sex “marriage.” In response to the revelations […]

Newspaper Livid over Losing CCHD Funding - for Referring Planned Parenthood

Monday September 20, 2010 Newspaper Livid over Losing CCHD Funding – for Referring Planned Parenthood By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., September 20, 2010 ( – Street Roots, a Portland-based non-profit newspaper dedicated to serving the homeless and the poor, has expressed outrage that it is losing the support of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), because it referred people to Planned Parenthood in the health care section of its “Street Root’ Rose City Resource” booklet. “The message from CCHD managers at the Portland Archdiocese, although supportive of the booklet’s overall mission, was made clear in terms of funding: […]

Bishop Bruskewitz on CCHD: Bishop Morin Was a “Bit Too Dismissive” of Concerns

Bishop Bruskewitz on CCHD: Bishop Morin Was a “Bit Too Dismissive” of Concerns by By Patrick B. Craine LINCOLN, Nebraska, November 24, 2009 ( – Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska explained in an interview with today his reasons for dropping the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection in his diocese, saying that CCHD head Bishop Roger Morin was “a little bit too dismissive” of concerns brought against the organization. Bishop Bruskewitz is one of four bishops confirmed so far to have chosen not to take up the collection this year for the national CCHD, the USCCB’s […]

Commentary on Nov. 18 News - Senate Health Care Bill, USCCB, CCHD

Dear Readers, Here we go into Round 2 of the US health care reform process. The Senate bill was released Wednesday evening, but at the time of writing we do not yet have any confirmable details. Hold on to your seats. All pro-life, pro-family groups are of course calling for massive communications from the grassroots to the senators. The US bishops' document on marriage is exceptionally strong. This is very good news. It seems that most of the bishops are now beginning to accept the seriousness of the collapse of marriage, family life and general morality and its connection to a lack of strong, clear […]

New Evidence Contradicts CCHD’s Findings on Accused Pro-Abortion Partner

By Patrick B. Craine WASHINGTON, D.C., November 6, 2009 ( – New evidence has been uncovered by the Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM) which confirms that a partner group of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) that was accused by BVM of pro-abortion activities, but then subsequently defended by the CCHD, is indeed pro-abortion. Following an August report by BVM which revealed that four CCHD-funded groups were promoting abortion and/or contraception, the CCHD defunded two of the groups, but defended the other two. According to Bishop Roger Morin, chairman of the USCCB's CCHD subcommittee, in a memo to the U.S. bishops, these […]