Search Results for: seal of confession

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Showing results 61 through 70

Half of charges against Cardinal Pell dropped, but he still faces two sex abuse trials

MELBOURNE, Australia, May 3, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Australian Cardinal George Pell faces two trials within months on charges of alleged past sexual abuse after a magistrate ruled earlier this week there was sufficient evidence against him, the Irish Times has reported. Melbourne Magistrate Belinda Wallington threw out half the charges against Pell, including the most serious, but concluded after a month-long preliminary hearing the 76-year-old cardinal should be tried by jury on “multiple” charges. The most senior Catholic cleric to face trial on such allegations, Pell has been on leave from his post as Vatican treasurer since being charged last […]

To Restore Credibility, Cardinal Mahony Should Resign Says Catholic News Editor

by Phil Lawler Jul. 17, 2007 ( – Five years ago Cardinal Roger Mahony was reportedly encouraging Vatican officials to ask for the resignation of Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law. Using the same logical arguments that the American prelate presented in 2002, the Vatican should now ask Cardinal Mahony himself to step down. The sensational cost of the sex-abuse scandal for the Los Angeles archdiocese far exceeds the devastation in Boston. The $660-million legal settlement announced on July 16 is nearly five times the total of the financial damages in Boston. Combining that settlement with previous agreements, lawyers’ fees, and other […]