Utah lawmaker moves to break seal of Confession, calls Catholic backlash ‘soft threat’ Rep. Angela Romero moved well beyond the 'threat' stage when she introduced a bill that attacks a sacrament of the Catholic Church. Opinion Bill Donohue • Jan 16, 2020Jul 30, 2021
New Dem 2020 candidate Bloomberg: Violently pro-abortion, anti–religious freedom On two key social issues — abortion and religious liberty — the presidential candidate was a total bomb as mayor of New York City. Opinion Bill Donohue • Nov 27, 2019Jul 30, 2021
Those who blame mass shootings on politics are missing the point It is irresponsible to allow ideologues to drive the discussion of mass shootings. Opinion Bill Donohue • Aug 7, 2019Jul 30, 2021
Wall Street Journal erred in suggesting Pope Pius XII was a Nazi sympathizer A leading authority on the Catholic Church during World War II had to correct the paper. News Bill Donohue • Mar 8, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Bishops at Vatican summit cannot ignore homosexual roots of abuse crisis Pope Francis, Cardinal Cupich, and others must face up to the evidence: the problem is homosexuality. Opinion Bill Donohue • Feb 21, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Catholic clergy have acted more shamefully in Covington controversy than leftist media 'It does not please me to say that the most irresponsible voices in this controversy have come from the Catholic clergy.' Opinion Bill Donohue • Jan 23, 2019Jun 18, 2021
New York Times publishes horrifying 8-part series advocating abortion Clearly the most rabid defense of abortion ever published by the mainstream media. Opinion Bill Donohue • Jan 4, 2019Jun 18, 2021
ABC mocks Catholics with gay rights miniseries When it comes to negative stereotypes of religion, Hollywood targets Catholics almost 100 percent of the time. Opinion Bill Donohue • Mar 3, 2017Jun 18, 2021
The White House just called Obama the ‘most Catholic of presidents.’ Seriously. If Obama is the 'most Catholic of presidents,' why has he spent the last eight years sticking it to Catholics? Opinion Bill Donohue • Dec 16, 2016Jun 18, 2021
Indiana mayor renames Good Friday ‘Spring Holiday’: cites ‘inclusivity’ Mayor John Hamilton exploits a Christian holiday so that government workers can freeload off the taxpayers in the name of celebrating springtime. Opinion Bill Donohue • Nov 21, 2016Jun 18, 2021