Are you pro-life but won’t vote for Trump? Here’s why you should vote for him anyway This critically important U.S. presidential election must NOT be about personalities. Opinion Dan Zeidler • Oct 9, 2020Jul 30, 2021
To a Catholic who says, ‘I could never vote for Trump.’ If Trump loses the election, the abortion holocaust will greatly increase in the U.S. and worldwide. Opinion Dan Zeidler • Sep 21, 2020Jul 30, 2021
Dear USCCB: You must be clear that Catholics cannot support pro-abortion Biden-Harris ticket ‘The bishops and all Catholic Church leaders must UNITE now with others in a clear, unambiguous message. NO candidate who endorses and promotes the current legal situation of abortion is qualified for office’ Opinion Dan Zeidler • Aug 17, 2020Jul 30, 2021
A great way to start handling ‘where do babies come from’ with your child How to give parents a practical vocabulary to communicate valuable things to their children, establishing a basis for all of life. Opinion Dan Zeidler • Oct 15, 2019Jul 30, 2021
What to do when a pro-abortion politician shows up at your parish picnic to drum up support They like to come to church events to 'endear' themselves to the parishioners, to be seen as a 'good guy' or gal. Opinion Dan Zeidler • Mar 5, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Chile legalized abortion, now they’re just like everyone else One of the world's great pro-life countries is about to fall unless there's an unlikely turn of events. Opinion Dan Zeidler • Aug 24, 2017Jun 18, 2021
BREAKING: Famous Chilean miners reject government abortion push Some of the 33 miners who were miraculously recused six years ago signed an open letter asking the government to reject abortion. News Dan Zeidler • Oct 12, 2016Jun 18, 2021
100,000 Chileans protest pending abortion law – demand “Christian” Democrats return to roots Massive protest in Chile against proposed law legalizing abortion, pro-lifers call out Christian Democrats for supporting the kill bill News Dan Zeidler • Sep 5, 2016Jun 18, 2021
Latin American bishops launch Year of Mercy pro-life campaign Their new campaign draws attention to the damage abortion does, not only to the child, but also to the mother and all those involved. News Dan Zeidler • May 16, 2016Jun 18, 2021
EXCLUSIVE: Rescued Chilean miners urge fight against abortion after meeting Pope in Rome The miners made the pilgrimage to Rome to commemorate the 5th anniversary of their rescue. News Dan Zeidler • Oct 19, 2015Jun 18, 2021