Legalized abortion is abhorrent because its supporters have convinced large swaths of the American people that simply because it’s legal, it is ipso facto safe.
Abortions are currently performed there only one day a week, but if the past is prologue, we should fully expect that Amy Miller will aggressively work to increase its 'business.'
Both Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice New York have recently bestowed honors on an abortionist who’s on staff at a notorious abortion clinic whose license has been revoked and been fined $50,000 for a host of serious violations.
You can run a shoddy, dangerous abortion clinic, and even if you rack up tens of thousands of dollars in fines by state health inspectors, you can weasel your way out of it by closing down and reopening under a different name.
It doesn’t take much to figure out why abortionist Tom Tvedten ordered his employee to cancel the emergency call: he didn’t want pro-life activists publishing pictures of an ambulance at his abortion clinic.