If Trump is not re-elected, the whole USA will become California Folks, it is pretty crazy out there in the Golden State. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Feb 4, 2020Jul 30, 2021
The left hopes to purge conservatism from America, starting with Donald Trump Progressives believe that if they can cut off the head (Trump), they will render conservatives powerless. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Oct 25, 2019Jul 30, 2021
The Equality Act is the biggest threat to religious freedom in US history If the Equality Act becomes the law of the land, every outrageous, tyrannical demand on the LBGTQ list will become reality. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • May 22, 2019Jun 18, 2021
What is behind the LGBTQ agenda? The goal of LGBTQ enforcers is to forcibly normalize their lifestyle in the minds of the 97% of the population that is not LGBTQ. News Lloyd Marcus • May 13, 2019Jun 18, 2021
The day LGBT enforcers attacked me…and everyone who knew me I wrote an article about homosexual infiltration of the Boy Scouts. I was not prepared for what happened next. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • May 10, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Repeat with me, leftists: Trump is not a racist President Trump is not a racist. Democrats, Hollywood, and fake news media are racists — disgusting distributors of racial division and hate. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Feb 15, 2019Jun 18, 2021
As the left encroaches, we must not lose hope in God Frustrated, I asked God, why do the wicked prosper? Discouraged men of God in the Bible asked God the same question. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Dec 19, 2018Jun 18, 2021
Slowly, patiently, the left is killing freedom of speech in the USA Like the title of the old Marvin Gaye song, it is time for the American people to realize 'What's Going On.' Opinion Lloyd Marcus • May 25, 2018Jun 18, 2021
Face facts: The LGBTQ movement wants to destroy Christianity The truth is, the LGBTQ movement seeks to bury Christianity, bullying us into silence and extinction. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Apr 26, 2018Jun 18, 2021
Pro-life Roy Moore lost in Alabama because of fake news and ‘spineless’ Republicans We throw our warriors under the bus far too quickly, reacting to Leftists' and fake news media's lies, distortions and smears. Opinion Lloyd Marcus • Dec 18, 2017Apr 23, 2024