Reggie Littlejohn, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

Sex-Selective Abortion:  China’s “Vow” to Crack Down an Empty Promise?

August 10, 2011 (—AP reported yesterday that “China vows [a] crackdown on sex-selective abortions” to close the gendercide gap.  Don’t hold your breath. A BBC news article, “China acts to protect baby girls,” reported the same vow in 2004.  Zhao Baige, then Deputy Director (now Vice Minister) of China’s National Population and Family Planning Commission, vowed seven years ago:  “Illegal sex determination and sex-selective abortion must be strictly banned . . . China has set the goal of lowering the sex ratio to a normal level by 2010.” The result?  In 2004, there were 117 boys born for every 100 […]