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Cardinal Burke at Three Hearts PilgrimageLorraine Marie Photography/LifeSiteNews

(LifeSiteNews) — Being at a Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by Cardinal Burke was a perfect end to my recent pilgrimage.

I have just returned from the Three Hearts Pilgrimage in Oklahoma. This is an annual 35-mile pilgrimage walked over just two days – that is a little over 17 miles per day! It is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. It is very significant because, as the name implies, it is about the Holy Family, and thus the significance of the family, at a time when the traditional family is attacked from every side.    

Lorraine Marie/LifeSiteNews

The pilgrimage was initiated by three fathers in 2019 in response to the various issues afflicting the world. Marc Robinson, one of the founders, expressed the idea behind the pilgrimage as follows: “Instead of complaining to the boys about the state of the world, what if we could show them something beautiful and positive?” Through Marc’s connection with the monks at Clear Creek, they found their destination and purpose, giving rise to the pilgrimage’s current form.  

Help seminary in Brazil form traditional priests
Lorraine Marie/LifeSiteNews

What began with only 12 boys and their fathers has rapidly grown over the past four years. The pilgrimage now attracts over 2,000 participants from across America and even other countries, who journey to Oklahoma annually to join the fathers in their mission.  It stands as a beautiful demonstration of faith and humility, beloved by people of all ages. Families with babies, along with numerous bigger children, teenagers, and adults, participate in the pilgrimage. 

Lorraine Marie/LifeSiteNews

Despite the challenges posed by the walk, the pilgrimage is characterized by abundant joy. Walking amidst smiling faces, even amid difficulties, is a testament to the enduring spirit of faithful Catholic families. Some penitents were courageous enough even to undertake the pilgrimage barefoot. A daily Traditional Latin Mass is incorporated into the pilgrimage, too, and a beautiful Mass celebrates its completion. This year the concluding Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Raymond Burke at the monastery. He was accompanied by majestic music from both the monks and the choir of alumni and current students of Pennsylvania’s Gregory the Great Academy.

Lorraine Marie/LifeSiteNews

If you are looking for a pilgrimage to do as a family, I would highly recommend looking into the Three Hearts Pilgrimage. It is certainly what the Church needs today to repair the family. 

Lorraine Marie/LifeSiteNews
Help seminary in Brazil form traditional priests

