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(LifeSiteNews) — Dear friends,

LifeSiteNews is free for millions of readers, but the only way to continue is to ask for your support.

We have received many generous donations but not yet enough to continue at full output in 2025.

To ensure LifeSiteNews can continue telling the truth on the most important issues, please help us over the line at 

For people in the U.S., we invite you to read how your year-end giving can also be tax efficient.

Because we are still 25 percent short of the necessary goal, the campaign is being extended in the hope that those who have not yet donated will join in our work with a gift: 

Thank you for your time and generous support – we hope you will have a blessed Christmas.

For life, faith, family and freedom,
Steve Jalsevac
On behalf of the entire LifeSiteNews team

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

