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Sign a petition to boycott 50 Shades of Grey here

Hopefully you’ve already decided by now that Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t worth your time, but since, as Christians, we’re called to engage the culture for Christ, it’ll be helpful for you to know a few things about it so that you can converse sensibly and convincingly with your friends and coworkers. 

Here then are 50 things you should probably know about Fifty Shades of Grey:

As I've mentioned before, Fifty Shades of Grey is not just a harmless “love story” for bored housewives. It promotes many lies. Here are four of them.

Help spread the word that Fifty Shades of Grey just isn’t worth it by sharing the above videos on social media.

If you or a loved one is struggling with porn and want to be free, download the free ebook, Your Brain on Porn, which will teach you five ways porn warps your brain and practical ways to renew it.

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Matt Fradd works for Covenant Eyes and is the author of the book Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned From Porn to Purity. A popular speaker and Catholic apologist, he has addressed tens of thousands of people around the world and appeared on EWTN, ABC, and the BBC. Matt is also the founder of this website,, which is dedicated to helping men and women break free from the vice of pornography. He lives in North Georgia, with his wife Cameron and their four children.