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(LifeSiteNews) — Just weeks after a documentary was released detailing how Big Tech interfered in the 2018 abortion referendum in Ireland, The Irish Times is reporting that Facebook Ireland will be launching an investigation into advertisements for abortion pill reversal. Abortion pill reversal (APR) entails women receiving progesterone to reverse the effects of the first abortion pill and save the preborn child (you can listen to one of the doctors who pioneered the procedure describe the process, which has saved over 2,500 babies, here.)
According to Irish pro-life activist Niamh Uí Bhriain of Life Institute, this is another example of the pro-abortion elites colluding to push the abortion agenda.
“The abortion clinical lead referred to by The Irish Times was a leading voice to have pro-life laws overturned in Ireland — and much of the reporting on abortion pill reversal in this country as elsewhere seems to be driven by three factors,” she told me. “Firstly, it seems that abortion advocates are adamantly opposed to any measure that might reduce the number of abortions. This is in stark contradiction to the public’s view — most people do not want more abortions to take place.”
“Secondly,” Uí Bhriain noted, “progesterone has been used to help women avoid miscarriages for decades. Why is it suddenly being claimed that it is dangerous? And thirdly, why is it that the abortion industry, which is meant to be based on the premise of giving women ‘choice,’ wants to deny women the right to reverse and abortion and have their baby?”
Uí Bhriain says that APR has already been utilized successfully. “We know that, in Ireland, women have already availed of abortion pill reversal and babies have been born as a result. We also know that, because of the new aggression against its provision, women are looking for abortion pill reversal — this week, this day — and aren’t able to get it, and are hugely distraught. That’s the opposite of ‘choice.’ It’s appalling.”
Facebook’s move to “investigate” these ads — the social media giant previously shut down American pro-life group Live Action’s APR ads — is yet another attempt to suppress any messaging that contradicts pro-abortion ideology. For several years now, progressive propaganda outlets such as Open Democracy have targeted physicians and organizations willing to assist women with APR if they change their mind about aborting their baby, attempting to get them shut down or de-legitimized.
It is no exaggeration to say that preborn human rights in Ireland have been tremendously damaged by Big Tech and the mainstream media over the past decade. From blocking and declining pro-life ads during the referendum to providing relentless coverage for pro-abortion talking points and quoting abortion activists as experts on any issue related to feticide, the truth has been systematically subverted and suppressed.
As have seen since abortion was legalized in Ireland, this is not only about providing women the option of having their babies aborted — it is about ensuring that this option is pushed and that other alternatives are discouraged. As for the women who have taken an abortion pill and desperately wish to change their mind? For abortion activists, they are merely collateral damage.