South Wind Women’s Center, housed in the Wichita abortion clinic formerly operated by murdered late-term abortionist George Tiller, just marked its one-year anniversary by announcing how many babies it had killed since opening. An article strangely removed from the Wichita Eagle’s website (and from which all other news sources are quoting), but cached on the abortion mill’s website, shares the exciting news:
South Wind Women’s Center says it provided about 1,200 abortions in its first year…..
No clinic offered abortions in Wichita after Tiller died until South Wind opened.
South Wind said it has seen a total of about 1,500 patients for reproductive care, including abortions up to 14 weeks. Patients have come from across the state and from a few other states, such as Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.
Patient numbers are “right in line with our projections,” said Julie Burkhart [pictured above], founder of Trust Women, which raised money to open the clinic April 3, 2013. “I feel, of course, positive about that. We have women coming to see us.”
Good news, the clinic is still in the red:
The clinic is still paying off debt from opening, she said, “but the numbers are on track, financially on track.”
Maybe that is why Burkhart has opened another funding stream, sex change hormone therapy…
I was always curious why one of South Wind’s abortionists, Cheryl Chastine, is so obsessed with the transgender issue. (Search “trans” on her Twitter feed for an idea.) Now I know.
Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE!
One of South Wind’s branding problems, though, is it calls itself a “women’s” center, a gender reference the transgender community doesn’t like (the reason why you will lately see abortion proponents using the term “pregnant people” rather than “pregnant women.” Pro-lifers should use the term “pregnant mothers.”) This is surely why it has given itself an additional name,
which shows up nowhere on Google, as if it simply decided to also call itself Wichita Medical Center, PA, their corporate identity.
Back to abortionists, South Wind is still relying on circuit riders, the very nature of which nullifies any possibility of a “doctor-patient relationship,” which abortion proponents love to tout. And circuit riders are much more costly. It takes at least one abortion to pay just for their travel expenses. From the ghost Wichita Eagle story:
South Wind is flying in doctors to provide abortion care. It won’t name those doctors because of Tiller’s death. A doctor who helped open the clinic left in May, returning to her practice.
Paying for doctors to travel to Wichita “is not the situation we would like to have,” Burkhart said. “I do think in time we will find more people in this region who are willing to come forward.”
[HT on sex change treatment: Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League; top and bottom photos via Wichita Eagle; signage photos via AbortionWiki and RH Reality Check]
Reprinted with permission from Jill Stanek