(LifeSiteNews) — Well, since every conspiracy theory seems to be a conspiracy fact at this point, it may as well be the case that science fiction fantasies start to come true as well.
As everyone muses over the striking possibilities of Elon Musk’s Neuralink, there is another potential human-mechanizing “advancement” on the horizon. I am talking about artificial wombs.
Take a look at “EctoLife” which is being deemed the “first artificial womb facility.”
If you have ever seen “The Matrix,” you might recall the scene where Neo is “born” from a pod. This may not be exactly that, but it is closer than not.
The brain behind this dystopian project is Hashem Al-Ghaili, a Yemeni man who lives in Germany and works as an independent “influencer” primarily through his popular Science Nature Page on Facebook. He also shares content on YouTube.
Four years ago, he created a video heralded by pro-lifers as useful in the fight for life that showed the entire process of the beginnings of life from conception to full-term gestation.
Little did we know that his purported purpose was not to protect the sanctity of life but rather that he looked at life like a science experiment that was merely fascinating.
Al-Ghaili gave an interview to Science and Stuff and said that he thinks the EctoLife concept could one day supplant traditional birth.
Society would finally be able to meet the needs of parents who are “tired of waiting for a response from an adoption agency,” he said.
Right, the solution to difficult adoption procedures is to create a dystopian birthing farm where children are created genetically modified humanoids.
Lest you think this is impossible, take a look at what they call a “Biobag,” which is in essence an artificial or placeholder womb where lamb fetuses were gestated for weeks.
Now, the lamb experiment was not nearly as complicated as growing a human from conception, as the lambs were placed in the bags when they were well into gestation.
No one in their right mind would have thought just a few decades ago that a complex mammalian creature could be gestated in plastic bags, but here we are.
The ‘need’ for a new form of birth
The author at Science and Stuff believes that there is a “need for a new form of birth.”
To buttress this insane claim, the following reasons are stated: “Currently, the World Health Organization estimates that 15% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide are affected by infertility. Indeed, over the last 70 years, fertility rates worldwide have decreased by a staggering 50%.”
Let’s break these statements down.
Saying “15% of reproductive-aged couples” are having fertility issues is to say an unqualified statement. What is the average? Is 15 percent historically high? Does this include couples wherein the woman used hormonal contraception for years or decades?
It is well-known that long-term hormonal contraception usage can greatly damage female reproductive health.
It is interesting to note that the author stated that fertility rates have greatly dropped in the last 70 years.
Hmmm … I wonder what fertility intervention became widespread within the last half century or so. Almost as if people have been intentionally fornicating without conceiving, having abortions, taking “morning-after” pills, with men neutering themselves like effeminate animals.
I know I am not a medical “expert,” but it seems to me – what with my simplistic way of understanding things – that if we stop stopping pregnancy, then women might, you know, get pregnant.
Funny enough, the author also said that “women’s increased education, [and] increases in employment” have been a reason why less fertility abounds.
OK, I know I might be called a sexist … but might this mean that maybe there is something a bit unnatural about pushing women to work outside the home and get endless master’s degrees? Seriously, is a degree from a woke university really worth the decline of the human race?
Pro-life crossroads
Pro-lifers face crossroads at this moment. What I mean is that the technologies being proposed for the human infant farm are derived from medical advancements that have proven lifesaving.
Think of the utility of being able to do something like transfer a human being in embryonic form from an ectopic pregnancy to some sort of placeholder womb, and then perhaps back into the mother.
It can’t be denied that this would alleviate a lot of suffering and sadness for mothers who go through heartbreaking losses.
That being said, we are seeing that this sort of technology can also be used by transhumanists to potentially do monstrous things that will turn our world into a veritable beehive with the loveless and soulless creation of human beings.
None of this is to say that we should stop trying to find ways to make it more doable to save young lives in the early stages of gestation. But it also must be considered that it is possible to facilitate the playing of God, even when the intentions are good.
Pray that this dystopian craziness never materializes.