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April 28, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – As the LGBT movement gained cultural hegemony, the producers of children’s entertainment trailed cautiously behind, careful to keep up with trends without pushing the envelope or risking too much parental pushback. But one by one, children’s cartoons have become yet another educational arm of the LGBT movement. Clifford the Big Red Dog has two moms; Arthur’s teacher Mr. Ratburn is gay; the Disney Channel’s animated series Owl House will feature a bisexual teenager that dabbles in witchcraft.
Then there’s Sponge Bob Squarepants “coming out”; Disney’s gay character in Onward and their children’s film Out, which focuses on a gay couple. The children’s section of Netflix, which many parents use to avoid exposing their kids to inappropriate content, also features many LGBT characters, storylines, and messaging. As I noted last year, we’ve seen a very effective LGBT colonization of the children’s entertainment industry.
Now it is Pixar Animation Studios, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company. Famous for Toy Story and recently raking in an Oscar for the very-problematic Soul, it was only a matter of time before America’s best-known producer of children’s entertainment would go woke. Much to the delight of activists, they have released a casting call for their first transgender character. The group TransMarch posted the notice to Twitter:
Pixar is casting a youth voice-over role for an upcoming animated project.
The character, Jess, is a 14-year-old transgender girl. She’s compassionate, funny, and always has your back.
We’re looking for actresses 12-17 years old who:
– Are enthusiastic, outgoing, funny, and energetic
– Feel comfortable acting in front of a microphone
– Can authentically portray a 14-year-old transgender girl
If you know a child who fits this description and would like to audition for the role, her legal guardian should contact: [email protected].
This, as several news outlets noted, will be the first Pixar character who is transgender. The character also just happens to be targeted to a children’s audience, affirming the wildfire phenomenon of gender dysphoria in young teens.
If Pixar and Walt Disney are the curators of children’s Americana, then the transgender movement has officially won. Despite that, LGBT groups noted approvingly that it is about time Disney/Pixar do better. Representation is not enough—over-representation and domination is what they are seeking.
It is concerning that so many parents appear to abandon discretion when it comes to entertainment. Recent data indicates that many parents are watching increasingly sexualized content with their children during the pandemic; the excuse given for this is that entertainment is not only an important part of life, but an essential one. Thus, cancelling streaming services that bring sexualized, immoral, and anti-Christian entertainment into the home is presented as a non-option. That, to put it bluntly, is ludicrous.
If we raise our children to believe that entertainment is so important that we can welcome wicked storytellers into our homes and that moral compromise is a small price to pay for a well-produced narrative, they will learn that lesson well.
Companies like Disney, Pixar, and others know that for all the bluster from a few Christian and conservative news sites, most people will quietly go on as before and their consumption and viewing habits will not change.
In short, Christians and non-Christians are all consuming the same storytellers, and their children are animated by the same heroes and villains. It may seem like no big deal to allow small compromises—how big of a deal can an animated feature be, anyway?—but someday soon, we’ll discover that there is a price to pay for allowing those actively working to subvert Christian values to have direct access to our children while paying for the privilege.