(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,
Sarah, a beloved grandma, is shivering in a surgical gown, sitting alone on a plastic chair in a hallway.
She’s waiting to go in for breast cancer surgery.
A doctor comes and sits with her.
Surgery is frightening, especially when it involves actually losing a part of yourself. Even amidst the risks and consent forms, the doctor is a reassuring presence.
But what comes next is the ultimate betrayal of a doctor to his patient.
“Did you know about medical assistance in dying?”
That’s right. Just before surgery… while Sarah’s on her own without any loved ones around her… while she’s cold and vulnerable in a thin hospital gown…
… this doctor is offering to help her kill herself instead.
This wasn’t the last time that these Doctors of Death offered Sarah Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) either. They brought it up TWO MORE TIMES.
Welcome to Canada. We changed Sarah’s name for her privacy—but her story from 2022 isn’t unusual.
LifeSiteNews’ relentless reporting of these horror stories is a crucial means of stopping the spread of assisted suicide throughout the world.
It’s only by knowing the truth that defenders of life and the natural law can fight for vulnerable people like Sarah.
Please support LifeSiteNews TODAY to help us stand with all those feeling pressured into assisted suicide:
Sarah said:
“I felt like a problem that needed to be [gotten] rid of instead of a patient in need of treatment.”
Imagine that it had been your own grandmother sitting there, scared, alone, cold and very vulnerable.
Or your mother.
… Or… you.
Imagine being told:
“Your life is painful, your care is expensive, difficult, and inconvenient: you should end your life.”
This evil is spreading. The UK’s radical Labour Government recently permitted a vote to begin the process of legalizing assisted suicide, and I’m sorry to say they won.
But even the political parties are divided. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has spoken against it, in a moving account of the life and death of his baby daughter Jennifer:
By day four, when the extent of her brain haemorrhage had been diagnosed, we were fully aware that all hope was gone and that she had no chance of survival.
We could only sit with her, hold her tiny hand and be there for her as life ebbed away. She died in our arms.
But those days we spent with her remain among the most precious days of my and Sarah’s lives.
The experience of sitting with a fatally ill baby girl did not convince me of the case for assisted dying; it convinced me of the value and imperative of good end-of-life care.
Gordon Brown is right. The moments of new life and death are precious. They can even be sacred.
Christ’s enemies called for Him to come down from the cross. But He stayed there, in agony and humiliation, out of love for us.
When we are in agony, or humiliated at being a burden, our duty is to stay on our cross with Him, out of love for Him.
But it’s not just legal assisted suicide that’s the problem.
Even “palliative care” is sometimes used as a codename for actual euthanasia—involuntary MAiD.
Just the other day, Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne told us about her friend Sister Philip Marie Burle, whom she says was a victim of “stealth euthanasia” under the cover of palliative care.
Back in 2022, Sr. Philip Marie was on narcotics in a coma following surgery.
Being a doctor, Sr. Dede asked questions. The hospice said it was “helping her transition”—which she says is “the code word for ‘we’re killing her.’”
When Sr. Philip Marie came out of the coma, she was of sound mind and wanted to live.
But visitors like Sr. Dede were soon banned from the hospital—and then…
- They turned off her oxygen
- She couldn’t drink anything by mouth
This (allegedly Catholic) hospice wouldn’t even let the priest give her last rites at first, Sr. Dede said.
After the priest visited, he told Sr. Dede that Sr. Philip Marie was still breathing, but that she…
- Had no IV, fluids or feeding tube
- Was very over-sedated.
Soon after this visit, Sr. Philip Marie was dead.
Friends, this is evil—and it will only get worse if assisted suicide is legalized.
LifeSiteNews is at the forefront of speaking the truth boldly about the evils of the Canadian system, and the abuses of other “stealth euthanasia” systems.
We are working tirelessly to…
- Report every abusive proposal of MAiD
- Advocate for true palliative care
- Educate readers about the risks that they face.
But we can’t do it alone. Will you be a part of our mission?
Every dollar you give amplifies the truth and protects the vulnerable like Sarah and Sr. Philip Marie.
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Truthful media organizations like LifeSiteNews need to get this truth out.
- If the truth reaches enough people—we win.
- If it doesn’t—we lose.
It’s that simple.
This evil is already legal in…
- California…
- Maine…
- Washington…
… and many other states and countries, including Canada.
How long until it’s your state too?
LifeSiteNews survives and thrives on donations of $20 or $50, and larger donations of $100, $500, or $1000 dollars help us grow faster and stronger to meet the urgent needs of our times.
Support LifeSiteNews’s historic mission TODAY and help us advocate for those threatened by this satanic agenda.
Yours for the great cause of life,
John-Henry Westen
Editor in Chief
Steve Jalsevac
P.S. The Globalist Death Cult doesn’t just want your grandparents—it wants you, your children and your grandchildren.
This is our moment to draw a line in the sand.
With your support, we can protect the dignity of life for generations to come.
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