'The root of evil is not clericalism, whatever that may be, but rather rejection of truth and also moral licentiousness. The corruption of sound doctrine always entails and manifests itself in the corruption of morality,' writes Cardinal Müller.
Cardinal Müller: ‘A Church that no longer believes in Jesus the Christ’ is no longer His Church
Cardinal Müller, the former Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), gave multiple talks during a pastoral trip in the United States. We include three of them below.
SSPX priest: Archbishop Lefebvre’s 1974 declaration still applies to the crisis in the Church today
In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Father Christian Bouchacourt of the SSPX gives a detailed account of what led up to Archbishop Lefebvre's famous 1974 declaration, and how the message still applies today.
SSPX superior: The Synod is a ‘diabolical reversal of the Gospel’, continuation of Vatican II
SSPX head Fr. Davide Pagliarani issued a message today reiterating Archbishop Lefebvre's 1974 rebuke of the 'neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant' reforms of Vatican II, warning the current Synod is an extension of the council.
SSPX bishop: Top Vatican cardinal told me the Novus Ordo Mass is defective
Bishop Bernard Fellay of the traditional priestly Society of St. Pius X recently told an audience that in 2005, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a top Vatican official, admitted to him that the Novus Ordo rite of the Mass was 'defective.'
Relative of Holy Face seer explains the devotion’s power against communism
Mary Jane Zuzolo is a great-great-great-niece of Sister Marie de Saint Pierre, the nineteenth-century French Carmelite who received revelations from Our Lord which established the Holy Face of Jesus devotion
EXCLUSIVE: Mel Gibson tells LifeSite about his new series on the Christian victory over the Ottomans
In comments to LifeSite, Mel Gibson explained that he and his team have 'written 3 hours of a series called Siege' and that this series 'deals in an entertaining and educational way with the Siege of Malta.'
St. Padre Pio and the Third Secret of Fatima: ‘Satan will rule over a false church’
The importance of Our Lady of Fatima's warnings and the Third Secret cannot be stressed enough. German priest Father Frank Unterhalt reminds the faithful of that in a recent article on St. Padre Pio, his charism, and his vision of the Third Secret.
Hungarian archduke’s new book encourages young people to create wholesome families
In a written interview with LifeSiteNews, Hungarian Archduke Eduard von Habsburg-Lothringen explains the importance of his new book, Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons from the Centuries.
‘Neo-conned!’: Catholic military expert exposes the unjust agenda in the Middle East
In an interview with LifeSiteNews' Maike Hickson, John Sharpe, editor of the two-volume series Neoconned!, takes a deep dive into the Iraq war to expose the unjust nature of the United States’ invasion.