
Students for Life of America receives stories everyday from students about their experiences on campus and their pro-life work in their community. The story below came to us from a student in Florida who was able to help a mother in need, and save a preborn baby. Pro-life students are taking a stand for Life across the country on their campuses and in their communities. SFLA is excited to share the following story with you…


Today was so exciting! After seeing a 40 Days for Life email about abortions being done at a local abortion facility, I stood resolved to finally get out there to pray again.  When I got in my car, however, it started making strange, loud sounds and the tail pipe was blowing white smoke. I almost didn’t go on account of this as we have generally been having oddities with our car lately.  When I got to the abortion clinic, I honestly felt out of place.  I hadn’t been out there in a while and didn’t really know what to do.

As usual, one of my friends, Mark, updated me on some news for a few minutes and just as I was getting my head together about what to do there – a girl walked out in front of us.  Mark and I were stunned.  Accustomed to being flicked off and ignored, I quickly asked her if she needed help, not expecting anything to happen.  To my surprise, she stopped, looked at us, and told us she couldn’t go through with it.  I then noticed a tiny picture that looked like an ultrasound of a baby in her hand.  She said she didn’t go through with it.

Mark and I immediately rejoiced and asked how old the baby was. She said, “8 weeks.”  I was so excited for her I gave her a hug and said “You’re a mother!”  She then answered, “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”  I asked if she needed help and directed her to the local Pregnancy Resource Center, the Alpha Center, which had diapers, maternity clothes, etc….  She looked at me stunned, “Really??”  I said, “YA!  Come with me and I will take you there right now, they’re right down the street!” She was so happy but still in utter shock. She had seen Mark’s picture of abortion and heard him say “Don’t go in there” – she told me this was like the Holy Spirit speaking to her.  When she heard the nurse tell her she was 8 weeks along, she seemed to have snapped out of it and knew she could not do this!

After receiving help, support, and love from pro-lifers today, this lovely mother had changed from sad and lost to utterly happy and joyful.  There is nothing more rewarding in the pro-life movement than this – to see a person transformed from despair to hope.  What a treasure God has given us today.

Lastly, I want to leave you all with this truth.  This mother said that because people were out there praying for her – she had the courage to leave the abortion clinic. If we weren’t there, she probably would have gone through with it. Seeing how hard she hurt today over just having walked into the abortion clinic and almost had the abortion, this poor woman would have been in a horrific state had she gone through with it.

You and I know there is help, we care, and we know what abortion does.  We need to get out of our comfort zones and do what we know is right.  Be the hope that someone needs in crisis. Trust me. You’ll never regret it.