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Reader advisory: Graphic description of child sexual abuse.

(LifeSiteNews) — This headline is decades late, but better late than never: “Indiana lawmakers back defunding Kinsey sex institute.” On February 22, the Indiana House voted 53-54 to bar Indiana University, home of the Kinsey Institute, from using any state government money for its sexual research. The Associated Press ludicrously claimed that this vote came as a result of “a far-right legislator” who “unleashed disputed allegations of child exploitation by its founder and famed mid-20th century researcher Alfred Kinsey. 

Indeed, Democratic lawmaker Matt Pierce stated that these allegations were “based on old unproven allegations of conspiracies that did not exist” and calling them “warmed-over internet memes that keep coming back,” insisting that the Kinsey Institute’s noble mission was to “better understand human sexuality, including how to treat and prevent sexual predators and pedophiles.” The Associated Press chalked up GOP opposition to funding for the Kinsey Institute because they “blame [it] for contributing to liberalized sexual morals, including more acceptance of homosexuality and pornography.” 

Pierce, apparently, has not bothered to read Kinsey’s own works, Sexuality in the Human Male and Sexuality in the Human Female, which were published in 1948 and 1953. Kinsey’s work “revealed” that between 30-45% of men had affairs, 85% of men had had sex prior to marriage, that a staggering 70% of men had slept with prostitutes, and that between 10 and 37% of men had engaged in homosexual behavior. Much less talked about were his other disturbing “findings”—an in-depth study on the “sexual behavior” of children, as well as claims that nearly 10% of men had performed sex acts with animals (as well as 3.6% of women), and that this number rose to between 40-50% based on proximity to farms. 

The integrity of much of his work has long since been called into question. Among his questionable practices, Kinsey encouraged those he was working with to engage in all types of sexual activity as a form of research, misrepresented single people as married, and hugely overrepresented incarcerated sex criminals and prostitutes in his data. And where did he get all of his data on the “sexual behavior of children”? The answer is nothing short of chilling. Dr. Judith Reisman (whose research has since been confirmed time and time again) explained in her ground-breaking work Sex, Lies and Kinsey that Kinsey facilitated brutal sexual abuse to get his so-called research: 

Kinsey solicited and encouraged pedophiles, at home and abroad, to sexually violate from 317 to 2,035 infants and children for his alleged data on normal “child sexuality.” Many of the crimes against children (oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual abuse) committed for Kinsey’s research are quantified in his own graphs and charts. 

For example, “Table 34” on page 180 of Kinsey’s “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” claims to be a “scientific” record of “multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males.” Here, infants as young as five months were timed with a stopwatch for “orgasm” by Kinsey’s “technically trained” aides, with one four-year-old tested 24 consecutive hours for an alleged 26 “orgasms.” Sex educators, pedophiles and their advocates commonly quote these child “data” to prove children’s need for homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual satisfaction via “safe-sex” education. These data are also regularly used to “prove” children are sexual from birth. 

As Kinsey proudly stated of his research: “We have now reported observation on such specifically sexual activities as erection, pelvic thrusts, and several other characteristics of true orgasm in a list of 317 pre-adolescent boys ranging between infants of five months and adolescence in age.” 

READ: Parents must continue to push back against the leftist sexualization of children 

As for his revolutionary findings, Kinsey went hunting for the answers he wanted. As Reisman writes: “Both of Kinsey’s most recent admiring biographers confessed he was a sadistic bi/homosexual, who seduced his male students and coerced his wife, his staff and the staff’s wives to perform for and with him in illegal pornographic films made in the family attic.” To get the research he wanted to present to the public—which gave him a platform to advocate for the elimination of laws restricting sexual behavior—he simply cooked the books:   

[Dr. Kinsey’s team] ‘forced’ subjects to give the desired answers to their sex questions, 2. Secretly trashed three quarters of their research data, and 3. Based their claims about normal males on a roughly 86 percent aberrant male population including 200 sexual psychopaths, 1,400 sex offenders and hundreds each of prisoners, male prostitutes and promiscuous homosexuals. Moreover, so few normal women would talk to them that the Kinsey team labeled women who lived over a year with a man ‘married,’ reclassifying data on prostitutes and other unconventional women as “Susie Homemaker.” 

If Pierce believes all that to be “conspiracy theory,” he should take the time to read Kinsey’s work—and ask himself where all that data on the sexuality of children comes from, anyways. I’ve read the charts. I’ve also read the history behind how Kinsey obtained that data. Even if he hadn’t discredited himself in both behavior and methodology, the horrors of what children endured to be included on Table 34 should make any decent human being recoil in horror. It is long past time that Alfred Kinsey had his retroactive #MeToo moment.  

A final vote on the state’s budget in April will determine whether the prohibition on funding to the Kinsey Institute will be finalized. That should give Pierce some time to do his research. 

READ: Leaked documents show disturbing strategies teachers use to groom kids into LGBTQ+ ideology

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Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

