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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attends the closing press conference during the Summit on Peace in Ukraine on June 16, 2024, in Lucerne, Switzerland.Photo by Sedat Suna/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — Most people responded enthusiastically and with great relief, as the fake video example below shows, to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation announcement. I learned from a source the day after this article was published that the video is a good fake, but I am leaving it in because it truly represents how many Canadians felt upon hearing the announcement.  It can be compared to the Wizard of Oz movie when the Munchkins were told the wicked witch of the West was dead.

However, as Fr. Anthony Hannon, Canadian journalist David Krayden and other astute observers are warning, Canadians should be leery about what chronic liar Trudeau and his Liberal Party really intend to do.

In his latest post on his Prepare His Way YouTube channel, Fr. Hannan wrote the following,

Don’t be fooled! In resignations, specific words matter. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ALL of this just serves the Liberal Party of Canada and the globalist Technocratic Communist style agenda. And anyone thinking that the Conservative Party of Canada is a shoe-in to win a landslide majority victory in the next Canadian federal election is vastly underestimating the cunning of the Liberal Party strategists.

Most Canadians are not politically awake. And most Canadians are still suckers for propaganda. Before watching this linked video (see below), I offer this possibility: While Justin Trudeau certainly is a cunning fighter who might not be sincere in his intention to resign, if the Liberal Party does choose a new leader, that new leader will likely be all that is needed for many Canadians to vote Liberal again. Because Canadians on the whole vote in elections for the sake of change rather than for the sake of principles and many Canadians will see a new party leader as a change.

Most do not realize that a Liberal Party Leader is not the mastermind in charge. Trudeau is not actually the major problem. He was just the person that the Liberal strategists knew from polling that could get them in power. Now it seems that Trudeau is a liability for re-election, so they will find a new figurehead.

And one last question that I present here to provoke thought on this and other things that might be similar in kind: Since JT said he intends to resign after a new leader is chosen, what if after a new leader is chosen, he decides not to resign? Can a new leader be chosen while the present leader is still the leader who only will cease to be the leader after he legitimately resigns? Could the Liberal Party of Canada and Canada as a whole, be one day in a position where there is a reputed new Prime Minister but legally the former is still the Prime Minister? That would be quite the quagmire wouldn’t it?

For our many non-Canadian readers, I should explain Canada’s process of determining who becomes their dictator, er, prime minister.

A Canadian prime minister’s authority over the nation considerably exceeds that of an American president over his nation. In the British Westminster system, which Canada has, the PM has, for all practical purposes, the ability to rule dictatorially, at least when compared to the powers given to the U.S. president. There are very few checks and balances in the more authoritarian, trusting Canadian system.

Trudeau became prime minister with his party receiving the lowest popular vote share for a minority government in Canadian history—32.6 percent. This means that in the last two Canadian federal elections, a large majority of Canadians did not want Justin Trudeau to be their prime minister, but they got him regardless.

This is because the Liberals won the most ridings needed to become the governing party and for their leader to be the Prime Minister.

Liberal votes were concentrated in specific ridings (districts) giving them more wins. In contrast, the Conservative votes were more spread out among a larger number of ridings, not giving them sufficient votes to win the seats needed to represent Canadians’ overall voter preference.

The main opposition Conservatives won the popular vote in 2019 and 2021 but could not form a government because of where these votes were cast.

The now-historically unpopular Liberals and Trudeau have only managed to survive this long from an election-producing non-confidence vote in Parliament because of the constant support they have received from the socialist New Democrat Party MPs led by Sikh-Canadian Jagmeet Singh. It has been rare in Canadian history for such a despised minority government to remain in power this long.

David Kraydon, whom Fr. Hannon refers to at the end of his full note, has thought-provoking things to say about why Canadians should not yet be celebrating Trudeau’s announcement.

Kroydon emphasizes the Liberals are scheming to stay or get back in power, possibly even under Trudeau, and that we need to address the all-important question now, “how soon can we get to a federal election that will rid Canada of the corrupt, inept and rapacious government that Trudeau fronted?”

I have heard Kraydon many times on the American-based Redacted Internet program providing reports on the situation in Canada. He is an astute principled, politically conservative Canadian commentator. I suggest you watch the video or at least read some of the excerpts of his most important comments below the video.

In my opinion, Krayon rightly does not trust the intentions of Trudeau and his Liberal Party. Responding to Trudeau’s statements, Kraydon warns, “This is incredible. But in so many ways, it’s not what it seems…”

We need a political change. But we also need to resolve to resist. We must continue to resist.

All right, everybody’s saying Justin Trudeau just resigned as Liberal leader. Maybe not as prime minister. It’s quite unclear. Listen to what he actually said.

I’m seeing all kinds of headlines from the amateurs out there who say, ‘Justin Trudeau has resigned as prime minister.’ No, he has not.

Everyone seems to be missing that he is still the PM and can still do untold more damage to the nation until and IF an election with a new leader is forced or called.

Kraydon continues,

He says he intends to resign as Liberal Party leader and as prime minister after the Liberal Party selects a new leader. Listen to what he actually said at the news conference…

Then Kraydon relates the history of how Justin’s father, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, lost the election in May 1979 to Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark. He tried to be an opposition leader and stated he was resigning because he could not stand to be presiding over a minority government. ” He just couldn’t take it, and after a month and a half, he announced he was going to resign.”

News headlines said “it was the end of an era” after eleven years of a Liberal government under Communist China and Soviet Union admirer Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Then, “The Joe Clark government fell in December, just before Christmas, over a gas tax. They lost the support of, in those days, there was a social credit party in Quebec, the Creditiste. And they were propping up the Joe Clark minority government.”

“He needed those six. Six votes. He was six votes shy of a majority government in 1979,” relayed Kraydon.

“And they voted against the budget… The government fell. After only seven months in power.”

Kraydon continues his warning tale to Canadians,

The Liberal Party was in chaos. Trudeau had just resigned. Or said he was going to when they selected a new leader. Election was coming in February, February 28th, 1980. The Liberals didn’t know what to do. So they begged Trudeau to come back.

There was a draft Trudeau movement. ‘Please come back and lead the party, because there’s nobody else can do it as good as you do. There’s nobody else who really wants the job. And besides, we need somebody right now.’

Now, how is that similar to what’s going on right now in the House of Commons?

Trudeau’s got a grace period here of what? Almost about two and a half months. March 24th, the House comes back after the prorogue. Any time after March 24th, the government could fall. And we don’t even know if the Liberal Party has selected a new leader by then.

And Trudeau was talking about a robust process, not a month long one, not a two month one, probably a four-month process that involves all kinds of candidates.

But what if the government falls on March 25th? … What happens? Well, the Liberal Party looks around and says, ‘hey, we need somebody right now. And well, we still have a leader. And Justin Trudeau is still the prime minister. Let’s go with Justin.’

Kraydon admits the circumstances were a bit different than Justin’s today.

Pierre Trudeau in 1979 was the official opposition leader, not the prime minister. But he won that election in February, and he went on to stay in for another four years as prime minister.

Do you think Justin Trudeau was thinking about the same game plan? Don’t put it past him.

I say this all the time. Don’t think because he’s promising to go. And I think that’s what we have to take away from this today, is that Justin Trudeau is a slippery character, and he could do the same thing.

Well, if you believe Pierre Trudeau, was his pop. He could do the same thing that Pierre Trudeau did in 1979. Forty-five years ago.

Now, why has Justin done things this way, not resigning but staying on as prime minister while proroguing Parliament so that no government business can take place in the interim period waiting for a new Liberal Party leader to be elected?

Kraydon has a convincing answer on why this man who has been destroying Canada claims to “love Canada” and oddly emphasized during his announcement that he is “a fighter” and wants to hang around for a few more months while making sure all the Members of Parliament have nothing to do.

Kraydon predicts,

Justin Trudeau wants to be there for the G7. This will position the Liberals to tell Canadians we need to come together to battle the Trump administration who will have already imposed tariffs. So, a general election is about protecting Canada from Trump. This is the Liberal plan to retain power.

He thinks things could change really fast. Yeah, things are going to change really fast. We’re going to be in the midst of a depression, of an economic catastrophe within about three weeks.…proroguing Parliament because this has nothing to do with Canada’s national interest and everything to do with Justin Trudeau’s interest and the Liberal Party’s interest.

…proroguing is a horrible, grievous error. We are going to be watching from the sidelines as the country sinks into the abyss in the next couple of months. And when it sinks into Canadians’ heads what prorogue means…

When it means the suspension of Parliament, shutting down Parliament. And there’s virtually nothing we can do to bring down this government during that time. No, there is nothing we can do.

I think there’s going to be such pushback, such anger from Canadians that we’ve never seen before. I think it’s going to be manifest on the streets. It’s going to be manifest on the corners. It’s going to be manifest on public buildings. People are going to be very angry about this. This was a very stupid decision on behalf of Justin Trudeau.

After this, Kraydon goes on about the various potential candidates who will run for the leadership, none of whom will eventually be seen as able to beat the Conservatives and save Canada from the Americans.

In the end, Kraydon indicates all the crystal balls will likely suddenly indicate that the magical, sexy Trudeau name, because of a dramatically changed political climate, will again fool enough easily fooled, compliant, “nice” Canadians to vote the Liberals under Justin Trudeau back into power. That will be skillfully arranged, in my view, so that they can finish off the job of turning Canada into a New World Order slave state. Then again, maybe a new Liberal leader will pull off a similar stunning feat.

Canada is still in danger from Trudeau, the Liberals and their World Economic Forum and Chinese masters. Canadians are going to have to finally grow up and fight like never before to save their freedoms and protect their families and their nation from the rapacious one-world elites.

Let’s hope and pray they will do just that without caving into Trump’s arrogant bullying to become the 51st U.S. state. There is a huge difference between the history, culture and religious heritage of the United States and Canada, as visitors to Canada have noticed and appreciated.

Unfortunately, since the reign of Pierre Trudeau, the country has been devastated by Marxists, other leftists and globalists who infiltrated most of Canada’s institutions. Prime Minister Lester Pearson is the one who really started all of this by deliberately creating the path for the elder Trudeau to become Prime Minister. That is another story.

Can Canada be recovered from those who have taken it over several decades? It will take huge resolve, courage, a fighting spirit and much prayer.

Until the Trudeaus, Canada was among the world’s most admired and prosperous per capita nations. It was also a strongly Christian, largely Catholic nation. Marxists targeted Canada for infiltration and leftist cultural change, presumably to build a large base along America’s largest border from which to gradually weaken the United States.

Developments in the U.S. might generate the courage and inspiration needed for Canadians to finally take action and stop being suckered by slick politicians exploiting their goodwill. We shall see.

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

