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(LifeSiteNews) — The pursuit of pro-life activists by the Department of Justice under President Biden continues. And it’s just getting worse for the Department of Justice. They’re sending the FBI after awesome men, awesome pro-family, pro-life men, but also after old ladies, wonderful old ladies.

And this is the problem. When the Biden administration wants to use the FBI as a Gestapo force against pro-life activists, this is going to be what they’re going to run into: awesome people whom they’re prosecuting. For their PR it looks absolutely insane. This is The John-Henry Westen Show.

We’ve got to do our part. And our part, yes, is to pray: absolutely to pray for the Houck family, for Paul Vaughn and his family, for all of the pro-lifers who are indicted, but also for America in this struggle which is monumental. Because obviously what’s going on here is a threat to democracy, a threat to freedom, a threat to pro-life America in general.

We need to make our voices heard. We need to speak up. We need to contact our politicians and let them know that this is completely unacceptable. We will fight for a free America like our forefathers did in wars and everywhere else, because they were willing to lay down their very lives rather than submit to the type of totalitarianism that’s being dished out by President Biden right now.

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

You can send me feedback, or ideas for show topics by emailing [email protected].

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John-Henry is the co-founder, CEO and editor-in-chief of He and his wife Dianne have eight children and they live in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada.

He has spoken at conferences and retreats, and appeared on radio and television throughout the world. John-Henry founded the Rome Life Forum, an annual strategy meeting for life, faith and family leaders worldwide. He is a board member of the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family. He is a consultant to Canada’s largest pro-life organization Campaign Life Coalition, and serves on the executive of the Ontario branch of the organization. He has run three times for political office in the province of Ontario representing the Family Coalition Party.

John-Henry earned an MA from the University of Toronto in School and Child Clinical Psychology and an Honours BA from York University in Psychology.

