Help Brazilian pro-life hero raise his 42 disabled, adopted children: LifeFunder
(LifeSiteNews) – Upon assuming the presidency of Brazil in 2019, Jair Bolsonaro made a bold promise to uphold family values, respect the country’s Judeo-Christian traditions, and make Brazil “return to being a country free of the chains of ideology.”
In the same inaugural address, Bolsonaro also noted Brazil’s collapse in moral values in recent decades with a rise in crime and indoctrination of homosexuality and gender ideology in public schools. Having known some Brazilians living in the United States, I have observed a huge apathy regarding the pro-life and pro-family message.
Nevertheless, this year, the country is facing a critical moment with a presidential election that could decide the future of the South American nation for decades.
Brazilians will choose whether to remain a Christian, conservative country or enter the current trajectory of the Great Reset and cultural Marxism. That can change if Brazilians learn from key moments in their history.
From 1960 to 1964, Brazil was on the verge of sliding toward Communism at around the time that several high-level politicians were Communist sympathizers. President Jânio Quadros awarded Cuban Revolutionary leader Che Guevara with the National Order of the Southern Cross (Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do Sul) in 1961. Quadros’ successor, Vice President João Goulart, continued the left-leaning policies of his predecessor by proposing plans for land reforms and the nationalization of industries.
Catholics such as Plinio De Oliveira were opposed to land reforms because of doctrine and technicality, and even wrote a publication in 1961 entitled Land Reform: A Matter of Conscience.
By March 19, 1964, demonstrations erupted in major cities. The March of the Family with God for Liberty was held in Sao Paulo attended by almost 500,000 people. While in Rio De Janeiro, Cardinal Jaime Câmara appeared on television denouncing Communism. Father Patrick Peyton launched a Rosary Crusade in Brazil, which was later revealed that the CIA partly funded.
Nevertheless, all of these events have been credited to the faithful Brazilian Catholics who prayed and prevented a communist takeover from occurring.
Today, Brazil is facing a similar takeover of cultural Marxism with the possible election of Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. Before he was convicted of corruption, he served as president of Brazil from 2003 to 2010, and his presidency was marked by implementation of social liberal policies on the economy and the environment.
One of his press secretaries, Andre Singer, defined the term “Lulism” as:
“[t]he convergence of interests of the private industry sector on one side, and of the organized labor force on the other, led to the stability that allowed this political system to take the form of a sort of consensus.”
In other words, it sounds like a left-wing brand of fascism.
Under Lula’s seven-year presidency, he made declaratory statements favoring abortion and homosexual civil unions. In 2010, he unsuccessfully made an aggressive attempt to pass legislation seeking abortion as a human right, imposing LGBT ideology in schools, and banning crucifixes in government buildings.
The same year, Lula’s secretary, Gilberto Carvalho, made threats against the Brazilian bishops warning them that if they opposed the Labor Party’s candidate, Dilma Rousseff, they would revise the Catholic Church’s concordat with the government.
Much of the legacy of “Lulism” came to a halt with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in 2018. Under his presidency, the incorruptible Bolsonaro stood as a bulwark against the globalist and cultural Marxist agenda being implemented in Latin America.
Bolsonaro slammed Argentina when it legalized abortion in late 2020. In addition, he also criticized Pope Francis on the Amazon Synod; Bolsonaro’s Ministry of Education announced plans in 2019 to revise and eliminate textbooks containing pro-LGBT ideology; and one of his ministers has been promoting chastity programs.
On the COVID crisis, Bolsonaro condemned lockdowns, masking, and vaccination passports in his speech at the 2021 UN General Assembly. He also lamented the suppression of early treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. He signed a proclamation consecrating Brazil to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
More recently, after meeting with the founder of the Jesus Menino community, Bolsonaro renewed his pledge to continue to fight for the unborn. He received Tonio de Mello, an adoptive father of 44 disabled children, in the capital city Brasilia, and said “it is a mission from God” to “fight in defense of life.”
But Bolsonaro’s policies have been met with strong opposition and resistance from radical leftists.
In March, a Brazilian Supreme Court judge cooperated with social media platform Telegram in banning a key Bolsonaro supporter. Last year, the Brazilian Senate opened an inquiry into Bolsonaro on his handling of the COVID crisis.
On the religious and cultural front, Bolsonaro’s same opponents also appeared to have launched an orchestrated PR campaign to degrade the Christian and Catholic heritage of Brazil considering his consecration proclamation.
In 2020, the Brazilian Supreme Court overturned a ban on a blasphemous Netflix film depicting Jesus as a homosexual, and the following year a pro-abortion group displayed a message “Vaccine Save Lives” on the Christ the Redeemer statue, thus promoting the abortion-tainted COVID jabs.
With a reflection on the words of Our Lady of Fatima, and May being the month of Mary, I call on all Brazilian Catholics to politically oppose Lula and the Great Reset agenda in the country.
Be bold followers of Christ and make your voice heard in the public square just as the more than 500,000 Catholics did in 1964. Finally, pray the Rosary and make acts of reparation by going to Confession and receiving Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
With these steps, Brazil’s history may repeat itself by miraculously averting a takeover of the anti-Christian globalists and renewing itself as a bastion of Catholicism in South America.
Help Brazilian pro-life hero raise his 42 disabled, adopted children: LifeFunder