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(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

The articles and videos we present to you every day concern life versus death, hope versus despair, love versus hatred, peace versus strife, and belief versus rejection of God’s loving will and inspirations.

We take you into many dark schemes and corners, deliberately hidden from most of the public, but also present many heroes who give hope to all.

These are all, surprisingly, one way or another, very much related to our core life, faith, family, and freedom mission.

Everything we publish is seen from a faith and highly principled perspective. We are your servants, even though sometimes you may not be comfortable about what we serve you. But please trust that all that we serve is done with a right heart and conscience and is truly for the good of all.

Most, if not all, who work on the LifeSiteNews team have had to endure a difficult formation process of learning and eventually accepting many difficult things they were previously unaware of. It is usually a painful, disorienting struggle to gain that acceptance of things that countered what we had firmly believed differently or were totally ignorant of for many years, or our entire lives.

I was one of those in my first few years of working in the pro-life movement with Jim Hughes of Campaign Life Coalition, LifeSite’s founding organization. I chastised Jim about some of the negative information he gave me about certain prominent organizations and persons, and especially about certain Catholic clergy, including cardinals and bishops and even a pope or two.

At that time, his comments were comparatively very mild compared to what has developed since.

I had, a few years before, experienced a wonderful, dramatic conversion back to my Catholic faith. I did not want to hear any negative information related to what I had come to cherish and which changed my life.

After about three years of working full-time with Jim, doing much higher-level CLC work and experiencing profound disappointments from many of those whom Jim had mentioned, I had to eat crow and apologize to him. He was right and I was naïve but had to go through the process of discovering these things myself so that I would be a more useful instrument for God in that mission.

We cannot win any of the battles for good if we do not have a good knowledge of whom and what we are fighting against, or put another way, who or what has been scheming to destroy all that is most precious to us.

We especially learned that through our work at the U.N. and other international forums. In those, we gained the “big picture” understanding that abortion, euthanasia, contraception, and now transgenderism and homosexuality – and on and on – were symptoms of an international effort by powerful, global forces working many decades to destroy what is left of Christian civilization, depopulate and control the world, and take away all our rights and freedoms.

We are all involved in a global war, but one in which each person CAN do something to defeat these evils.

It has been a constant, mind-boggling experience to continually discover these revelations and how much they relate to our mission. If I had the time and energy, I could write volumes about our extraordinary LifeSiteNews experiences over the past 28 years.

A few days ago, a friend in England sent a brief, moving video indicating why many of us got involved in this challenging work and why we stay the course regardless of how difficult it has become.

It is about a young woman who faced a very difficult decision about her pregnancy and, at the last minute, was inspired to change her mind about aborting her child. I have seen many such personal testimonies, but few as moving as this one.

Please spend just a few minutes watching Angela tell her story. Her story shows why LifeSiteNews must continue and why we are so intensely committed to this work.

Angela also reveals why we need your donations to keep informing and directly or indirectly helping many more Angelas with all the news we publish on many other crucial issues that lead to similar difficult decisions, struggles, and hopefully eventual peace.

Please give a gift to our Christmas campaign by clicking on

For life, faith, family, and freedom,

Steve Jalsevac
LifeSiteNews co-founder

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

