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June 22, (LifeSiteNews) – Joe Biden’s supporters have made much of the fact that he is the second Catholic to become president of the United States (John F. Kennedy was the first.) The media, predictably, has also displayed a newfound appreciation for Catholicism and the president’s alleged faith — and that is because Biden is the most pro-abortion president in American history, and is openly committed to radical aspects of the LGBT agenda that Obama wouldn’t have dared to support. Biden is the sort of Catholic that allows the media to berate actual Catholics about their supposedly “backwards” beliefs.
The pro-abortion views of Catholic politicians rarely attract much attention outside of pro-life and Catholic circles, but the sheer fanaticism of Biden’s brazen anti-family and pro-abortion agenda has triggered a wider debate. Biden, after all, is more extreme on abortion and LGBT issues than any previous president — including Obama. He’s not only put forward a budget without the Hyde Amendment banning taxpayer funding for abortion, he’s asked Congress to disregard rules disallowing the use of tax dollars to fund abortion overseas, too.
Biden, of course, is utilizing the mantra of the pro-abortion politician first trotted out by the Kennedys and the Cuomos after a handful of liberal Jesuit theologians convinced them that Catholics could be pro-abortion politicians. He says he’s personally opposed to abortion, but at the same time is a resolute defender of abortion as a public “right.” More than that, he’s committed to expanding America’s abortion regime. Biden is no morally-conflicted abortion supporter or begrudging campaigner — he’s with Planned Parenthood no matter how high the corpses pile up.
As prominent philosopher Robert P. George of Princeton wrote on Twitter:
If we take him at his word: 1) Joe Biden believes that unborn children are human beings who bear inherent and equal dignity and a right to life. 2) Joe Biden believes that this particular class of persons should be denied protection against homicide afforded by law to all others.
Put that way, Biden is either lying about his belief that children in the womb are human beings, or he’s willing to see millions of them butchered for political gain. Neither option is particularly flattering to the President.
This scenario played out at a White House press conference this week. A reporter asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether the president “believes that a 15-week-old unborn baby is a human being,” which is a reasonable question considering the Biden Administration’s condemnation of laws protecting life at that stage. Psaki didn’t even have to “circle back” to the question (as she so often does), but promptly dove right in: “Are you asking me if the president supports a woman’s right to choose? He does.”
Psaki completely dodges answering whether Biden believes “that a 15-week-old unborn baby is a human being.”
Psaki: “Are you asking me if the president supports a woman’s right to choose? He does.”
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) June 21, 2021
Of course, that’s not what the reporter was asking. The question here was not about choice, but about what is being chosen. If the baby in the womb is in fact a baby, then abortion is an act of violence that destroys that baby. And if that is true, Biden’s platitudes are lethal.
Meghan McCain said as much on The View. McCain holds many liberal views, but as I’ve noted before, she’s the only consistently pro-life voice on daytime TV. Despite the McCains’ family friendship with the Bidens, she held nothing back. “This is a deep paradigm shift for how I view President Biden because if he is for the federal funding of abortion, and I know the women on this show disagree with me, but as far as I’m concerned, abortion is murder, and that means the government funding of killing of the unborn,” she stated. “We have to, as pro-lifers, fight for the rights of the unborn, and that is a doctrine that is as old as the Catholic Church itself.”
McCain, who is not Catholic, also destroyed Biden’s “personally pro-life” excuse.
For someone who claims to be pro-life, I never understand this argument. It's like saying I’m personally opposed to murder, but if you want to murder a little bit, it’s fine because it’s not my problem. It doesn’t register with me. I don’t get it.
That is precisely it. Either Biden supports the murder of children in the womb, or he doesn’t. He cannot split the baby on this question.