Challenge to the Electoral College vote needs YOUR help! Contact your U.S. Rep and Senator today!
December 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The outcome of the presidential election of 2020 will be finally decided, it appears now, on January 6. That’s the day when the House and the Senate meet in joint session, with Vice President Mike Pence presiding, to vote on whether to accept the electoral college votes from each of the fifty states. As the 12th Amendment specifies, this will be done state by state, in alphabetical order.
Alabama’s and Alaska’s electoral college votes for President Trump will read to the assembled body, which will vote to accept them without controversy.
But then we will come to Arizona’s 11 electoral college votes. The Vice President will have two slates of votes in his hands: the official slate, certified by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey for Joe Biden, and a second slate, sent by the state’s Republican electors, for Donald Trump. He will read out the official slate. . . . and several dozen Republican congressmen and senators will stand up to object.
They will argue that the real winner of the Arizona election was Donald Trump, that Biden’s slate of votes should be thrown out, and that the Republican slate of votes for Trump should be accepted in its place. At this point, as called for by a 1948 law, the House and the Senate will withdraw to their separate chambers to vote on whether to accept the Biden electoral college votes.
On a straight party-line vote, the Pelosi-led House would narrowly vote to accept the Biden slate, while the Republican-dominated Senate would narrowly vote to reject it. Here’s where matters get complicated. The 1948 law says both houses must “concurrently” reject such a “certified” slate. On the other hand, such a law cannot trump the Constitution, which clearly identifies the Vice President as the presiding officer. As such, Vice President Pence could rule that, since the House and Senate are divided, the Biden slate of electoral college votes will not be counted. It can also be argued the 1948 law itself violates the Constitution, opening up an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court.
This same process will play out with all 50 states. In all, seven states have sent Trump electors to Washington: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. If all the contested states which have sent dueling slates of electoral college votes to D.C. have their votes rejected in this way, neither Trump nor Biden wins a majority of the electoral college votes, and the matter goes to the House, where each state delegation gets one vote. Trump wins, 27 to 21.
The problem with this scenario is that several Republican senators have made it clear that they would rather not have to vote at all. If several of these RINOs – such as notable Trump bashers Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse – cast a vote in favor of the Biden slate of electors, or even just fail to show up for the proceedings, Biden will succeed in the most audacious election heist in American history.
President Trump understands the need to strengthen the spines of such self-interested sell-outs. That’s why he’s encouraging his supporters show up on the Washington Mall for next Wednesday’s vote. (I would also note that January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany. I never count Our Lady out.)
Two weeks ago Trump tweeted out: “Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” He followed up on December 27 with: “See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it.”
Trump has called, and America will answer. Estimates are that over a million Trump supporters will converge on D.C. next Wednesday to support the president’s re-election. The crowd will be a cross section of America. Businessmen will rub shoulders with carpenters. Truck drivers and small business owners will make common cause. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians will all stand together.
The make-up of the crowd will be a reminder to the members of the Republican establishment, especially those serving in the Senate, that this is Trump’s party now. And that it is the party of the heartland, of the middle and working classes, and of patriots everywhere.
Imagine this: The Senate has retreated to its chambers to consider the “official” slate of electors from, say, Pennsylvania. As they are about to vote, a chant erupts from the crowd outside: “We love Trump! We love Trump!” It is followed by “Four more years! Four more years!”
It is said that death concentrates the mind. The chants from the massive crowd will surely concentrate the minds of Republican senators as they realize the people are watching. If they hold the line, they will win plaudits from the crowd. But should they vote against the most popular president in recent American history, they will be committing political suicide.
I would encourage all those who normally attend the March for Life to attend the January 6 rally, and for the same reason. There is no better way to stand up for life than to support a second term for the most pro-life president in American history. If Biden weasels his way into the White House, it will be open season on the unborn.
If you are able to join the rally, bring plenty of food and water, since the Left-wing mayor of Washington, D.C., may try to shut down all restaurants and snack stands for the day. Aside from that inconvenience, however, all should be well. You will be about as safe as you can be in present-day America, since you will be surrounded by a million God-fearing, America-loving patriots the whole day through.
Whatever happens on that historic day, it will be an event to remember. You can tell your grandchildren that you were on the front lines in the Second American Revolution, where you fought to save the Republic.
Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute and the author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order.