WASHINGTON, March 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In what is arguably the creepiest Public Service Announcement (PSA) ever foisted upon the American public, former Presidents Bill Clinton (D), George W. Bush (R), and Barack Obama (D) urge everyone to receive the coronavirus vaccine.
Far from reassuring, everything about the trio’s message is disturbing.
The 30 second PSA shows the three powerful globalists telling the entire United States population to take the untested vaccines, which are connected at least through testing to aborted fetal cells, and whose long and short term side effects — including deaths and injuries — are yet to be fully understood.
The shot they want you to take isn’t even technically a vaccine —it’s a form of “gene therapy” — yet that they repeatedly refer to it as a vaccine to woo you into receiving the substance into your body.
The optics are troubling: Dressed in dark winter overcoats, they each evoke the chilling image of Max von Sydow as he arrives to face the devil in the movie The Exorcist.
And where are they standing as they speak to you? In a cemetery: The PSA was filmed in the Arlington National Cemetery amphitheater.
In the PSA, George Bush declares: “The science is clear. These vaccines will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease.”
“They could save your life,” adds a feeble-appearing Bill Clinton, who once lied to the American people, saying, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” referring to his scandalous behavior with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky, with whom he had indeed had sexual relations.
Barack Obama then asserts that receiving the untested shot is “the first step to ending the pandemic,” yet he is the same man whose promises regarding the so-called Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, turned out to be lies.
In order to sell what became his signature policy achievement, Obama repeatedly promised, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period.”
He lied to the American people time after time after time. Watch:
Obamacare has served to prove nothing more than that government-run health care is a disaster.
Why would anyone but what these men are selling?
“This is the least persuasive commercial in the history of mankind,” tweeted Dr. Taylor Marshall.
This is the least persuasive commercial in the history of mankind: pic.twitter.com/SSOJmqjCTV
— Dr Taylor Marshall (@TaylorRMarshall) March 23, 2021
“These guys have thousands of bodies on their hands and they’re telling you what to put in your body,” noted a Twitter user. “You can’t make this up.”
These guys have thousands of bodies on their hands and they’re telling you what to put in your body. You can’t make this up
— yan (@ryangalvan17) March 24, 2021
Another Twitter user was taken aback by the line “‘it’s the first step’ in fighting the virus. After we’ve already been locked down and masked up for a year.”
Especially the line “it's the first step” in fighting the virus. After we've already been locked down and masked up for a year.
— Carol Gottstein (@NASAlameda) March 24, 2021
Titled “Former Presidents and COVID-19 Vaccine Facts,” the PSA was produced by the Ad Council and COVID Collaborative.
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.