When people hear about babies saved from abortion, it motivates them to trust God — and participate in 40 Days for Life.
After all, how often do you have an opportunity to literally help save a life just by peacefully praying?
It’s already happened in this campaign …
… 35 times (that we know of)!
Here are just a few of the miracles that God has already granted.
Prayer volunteers at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Orange County were caught by surprise as the doors of the abortion center flew open and a frightened young woman literally ran out as fast as she could — barefoot!
A young man came out looking for her. The barefoot runner was his girlfriend, and she was there for an abortion.
Eventually, she was found nearby, and vigil participants offered to get her something to eat. When they sat down to their meal, the young woman told her story.
She was six months pregnant and was already on the table at the abortion center. She had an IV and was in the process of being sedated. But she was still alert enough to realize …
.. she simply couldn’t go through with it.
“God’s grace poured into her heart,” said one of the 40 Days for Life volunteers. The young woman found the strength and courage to remove the needle from her arm, to quickly get dressed (except for her shoes!) and run out to safety.
“Our prayers from outside helped her get that courage to leave the table and run away,” said the volunteer. “I realized how important our role is.”
40 Days for Life participants in Houston say the campaign has been quite eventful already.
There’s a mobile pro-life pregnancy counseling center in Houston, and it is often parked outside Planned Parenthood’s huge abortion facility.
Women arriving for appointments at Planned Parenthood are offered assistance in this vehicle, volunteers say many of these women are willing and eager to listen.
“This was possible through the grace of God,” said onee volunteer, “even with several Planned Parenthood escorts on the scene.”
Two abortion-minded women visited the mobile center. One of those two made a huge turn around after seeing her unborn child on the ultrasound image and chose life.
The other simply said she would think about it, so she was given information about pro-life resources. Please keep her in your prayers.
One of the 40 Days for Life volunteers in Milwaukee watched as a couple pulled into the parking lot at the abortion center. The woman got out and walked into the building while the man remained at the wheel of his truck. So the volunteer walked over and struck up a conversation.
Eventually, the volunteer started talking about his dad, who was born during the Depression, less than nine months after his grandparents got married.
“I couldn’t think of a worse time to have to worry about feeding another mouth,” he said, “but my grandparents did the right thing.”
The driver then opened his door and said, “OK, then I’m going in. I’ll talk to her.”
He came out later, but shrugged his shoulders and said, “I tried, but she ain’t with it.”
But the prayer volunteer encouraged him, “Go back and try again. You have nothing to lose!”
The man went back inside again, and finally the couple came out together — smiling — and got back into their vehicle.
“We didn’t get it!” he said.
“Amen!” said the 40 Days for Life volunteer.
“Amen!” replied the guy in the truck.
Click here to read today’s devotional.