Nick McKim, the leader of the Greens in the Australian state of Tasmania has announced that he will be introducing a euthanasia bill that will be co-sponsored by Premier Lara Giddings, the leader of the Labour party.
The announcement in the Tasmanian Examiner paper stated:
A discussion paper outlining the pros and cons of different right-to-die laws from overseas is expected to be released within the next few weeks.
The feedback will inform a private members bill Premier Lara Giddings and Tasmanian Greens leader Nick McKim will introduce into state Parliament this year as co-sponsors.
Mr McKim said a draft discussion paper on the merits of voluntary euthanasia was being finalised.‘‘Rather than seeking a discussion on whether or not we should introduce voluntary euthanasia, it will be encouraging discussion around how it should be done,’’ he said.
‘‘We will then draft and table legislation that is appropriate for Tasmania, which gives it the best chance of passing the Parliament.’’Ms Giddings said the paper would consider the laws used overseas and suggest an appropriate model for Tasmania.
‘‘Throughout our work on this matter we have acknowledged that legalising voluntary assisted dying is a serious step for any state to take on behalf of its citizens,’’ she said.
‘‘But we believe it is possible to carefully and sensitively improve end-of-life decision-making through a safe and regulated legal and medical framework.’‘
I will be in Hobart Tasmania on Thursday with Paul Russell, the leader of HOPE Australia. HOPE and EPC have announced to the media that there will be a press conference at 12 noon on the steps of the state Parliament in Hobart Tasmania.
I will explain how research in other jurisdictions confirms that it is not safe to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide.