(LifeSiteNews) — Today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show comes at you from Kampala, Uganda, where I had the privilege of interviewing Archbishop Paul Ssemogerere. (Stay tuned the rest of this week, as we have more content from our African trip lined up as well!)
In this episode, Archbishop Ssemogerere shares his thoughts about the massive outside pressure from other nations, and even Pope Francis himself, to get African countries like Uganda to decriminalize sodomy.
READ: Departing from Africa, Pope Francis renews call to end anti-sodomy laws
His Excellency says bishops in Uganda are very much aware of the outside pressure to conform to LGBT ideology and have been discussing ways to “resist” it. He mentions raising awareness among young people in particular, since they represent such a substantial part of the Ugandan population and feel that pressure to conform more than anyone else.
“These young people are being attacked … by this new behavior. So we have decided [to] bring this awareness to the schools, [to] go to the parents and see how they can help … their children not to follow this way,” he says. “But the pressure is too much, because it comes with money … comes with the schools. It’s on the media, it’s on the TVs. And we have no control.”
However, Ssemogerere adds, Church leaders in Uganda can exercise some control over what is taught and tolerated seminaries. He tells me there is a “zero tolerance” policy toward sodomy and that bishops are working to ensure LGBT ideology is “not embraced” in seminaries.
Also in this episode you will hear Archbishop Ssemogerere describe the impact Ugandan martyrs have had on the strength of the Church, how the experience dealing with the pressure to legalize abortion and the increased use of contraception plays a role in their fight against LGBT ideology, the intense devotion many of the faithful have to Our Lady, and more.
“The good thing is that not having a child as a couple in Africa is like a curse,” His Excellency says. “The African culture appreciates life and wants this life to continue to multiply.”
Listen to my interview with Archbishop Paul Ssemogerere below or watch above.
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