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Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(LifeSiteNews) — On May 10, I was honored to sit down with Colonel Douglas Macgregor for an exclusive interview. We had previously met in person, together with his lovely wife, due to the connection with my late husband, Robert, who had been an admirer of Macgregor’s critical assessments of the war in the Ukraine and who felt a bond with Macgregor because they were both West Point graduates. But more importantly, both belong to the school of American patriots who oppose the continuous push for U.S. military interventions throughout the world.

LifeSiteNews has appreciated Colonel Macgregor’s work in the recent past and repeatedly reported on his ongoing assessments of the current situation in the world, but most importantly in Ukraine and Israel.

Watch Part 1 of 2:

Colonel Macgregor gave LifeSite a historic interview. He presented during our one and a half hour long conversation a tour de force of U.S. military, political, and financial history through the last seven decades since World War II and beyond. He covered World War II as well as the wars and conflicts in Vietnam, Somalia, Haiti, the Balkans, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Israel, pointing out how the U.S.’s notion of being “the world’s hegemonic economic and military power” has led to innumerable military interventions that were neither right nor effective. His comments are significant, inasmuch as he himself was involved in leading positions in some of these major conflicts, such as Kosovo and Iraq. Colonel Macgregor speaks from experience.

At the beginning of our May 10 interview, I was reminded of Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. When Carlson asked Putin about the Ukraine war, Putin decided to talk for some 30 minutes about the history of relations between Ukraine and Russia. The same happened to me. When I asked Colonel Macgregor to comment on the recent U.S. bill sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel once more, he started delving into the history of the last decades of U.S. military interventions, starting with the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the mid-1990s.

READ: Blinken again vows to have Ukraine join NATO as globalist narrative unravels

The colonel has here first-hand experience, having been asked to be involved in mapping out the future Balkans to help avoid future conflicts. But, as he showed, American leaders lacked sensitivity and an understanding of the culture and history of the region. As he stated at some point, “Washington plays God,” thus implying that U.S. leaders showed arrogance as well as “self delusion.” It always seems that the tendency is to solve conflicts immediately with the help of military interventions, instead of first seeking peaceful means.

The 1999 Kosovo conflict followed the Bosnian war. And it is here that the U.S. developed the concept of a “humanitarian intervention,” that is, the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. That bombing, according to Macgregor, “was wrong.” Already then, as he shows, certain U.S. circles were convinced that the plan should be to establish a “democratic revolution from Belgrade to Moscow,” as he was told at the time by a high-ranking official. The plan was, he added, to establish “a New World Order.” That is to say, not many years after the fall of communism in 1991, there existed plans of encroaching Russia militarily and politically.

But then, and still now, the military expert insists that the U.S. should only intervene where its borders are “attacked” or where “vital strategic interests” are concerned.

Watch Part 2 of 2:

Macgregor, the author of five books and president of a patriotic organization called Our Country Our Choice, explained in our interview how already back in the 1990s the neoconservatives (such as Paul Wolfowitz, Irving Kristol, Robert Kagan, Richard Perle, and others) were pushing for military interventions and regime changes. He quoted Paul Wolfowitz, whose motto then was to foster “perpetual revolution” and the notion that the U.S. will “go everywhere” and “reshape everything,” in the colonel’s words.

Speaking about the 2003 Iraq War, Macgregor also referred back to Wolfowitz, who worked “strategically around Israel.” At the time, Macgregor did not see the military leaders of the U.S. being interested in occupying Iraq. “No one was prepared to occupy anything,” he expounded, referring here to General Tommy Franks. But then “we destroyed it,” he went on to say, and Iraq “was in ruins.” All of this happened to “help Israel’s position strategically.”

Macgregor recounted how one day, during the Iraq War, Wolfowitz took Scooter Libby (Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff at the time) to the Oval Office and proposed that, since Iraq was weaker than expected, there was a chance to establish a “first democratic Arab country in the region friendly to Israel,” in Macgregor’s words. The neocons’ idea of rebuilding a historic nation such as Iraq was a “folly, a disaster,” the expert added.

Overlooking many of these wars of the last decades, Macgregor observed an “unwillingness to look at reality,” and the fact that the U.S. “disrupts regional dynamics.” For example, one “has to understand the dominant force” of a region and see how to collaborate with it.

But, in his view, the neocons that have been now driving U.S. foreign policy for decades are “hard-edged ideologues.”

“They are internationalists,” Douglas Macgregor went on to say.

The colonel sees that the U.S. is being “overextended” by all these wars, adding that “we are a shadow of the power that we were in the past.” We are “squandering our wealth.”

This was, to my joy and surprise, exactly the same language of my late husband who, while teaching at the Special Operations University in Florida, had opposed the Iraq War in 2003 because he did not see a just cause for that war. He always had cautioned his country against overextending itself and turning into an “emerging American imperium.” My husband spoke in 2005 of our “thoroughly irrational involvement in unjust aggressive wars, such as the current war against Iraq, while we are overextended throughout the world and ‘strutting to our confusion.’”

Colonel Macgregor himself stands by the general principle of non-intervention in non-crucial conflicts. “If we are not under attack, why are we going there?” he asked, revealing that he himself had written in 1995 a two-page memo about the then-ongoing Balkan war with that same theme. At the time it found his superior’s support and was sent over to the White House. Since then, many officers were “weeded out” when they tried to speak up against this attitude of interventionism.

READ: Israel is censoring and killing journalists bravely covering their atrocities in Gaza

The “Israel lobby is powerful,” Macgregor pointed out, but added that there is a whole system of lobbies and that unfortunately too many politicians in our country either have some black spots in their personal lives that make them open to blackmail or are all too willing to take bribes. He also spoke about the “power of the media” who can “make you or break you.”

In addition, Colonel Macgregor also sees the danger of the “intelligence communities” who are spying on us and on our politicians. With the knowledge they obtain from spying, politicians and other leading figures can be blackmailed. Washington D.C. today, Macgregor added, is like “Epstein Island on steroids.”

On a positive note, we ended our conversation about the state of affairs with a discussion of Macgregor’s new organization Our Country Our Choice, which is non-partisan and aims to regain our American heritage and identity that is based on Christian values and common sense. The colonel wishes to work with people who agree on “core issues” such as the “rule of law” (against criminality and mass immigration), sane finances, “electoral integrity,” and ending “overseas interventions” and the “sexualization of children in schools.” But besides trying to work hard for these causes, the colonel also hopes for an intervention by “divine Providence.”

There is so much more we discussed, and I hope many of our readers will be able to take in Colonel Macgregor’s comments carefully and even repeatedly.

The interview ended with a most touching topic: that of our own consciences before God. It is here that the military expert and officer explained why he cannot support the current genocide that is going on in Palestine. After recounting the story of a Waffen-SS officer who was haunted by the fact that he had been involved in a mass shooting of Jews that included children and the elderly, Colonel Macgregor, visibly moved, stated: “Someone in Israel must be experiencing something similar.”

“That is what I think about, as an American: I cannot do this.”

Thank you, Colonel Macgregor, for sharing with us so much of your wisdom, experience, insight, and of your own heart.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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Dr. Maike Hickson was born and raised in Germany. She holds a PhD from the University of Hannover, Germany, after having written in Switzerland her doctoral dissertation on the history of Swiss intellectuals before and during World War II. She now lives in the U.S. and is the widow of Dr. Robert Hickson, with whom she was blessed with two beautiful children.

Dr. Hickson published in 2014 a Festschrift, a collection of some thirty essays written by thoughtful authors in honor of her husband upon his 70th birthday, which is entitled A Catholic Witness in Our Time.

Hickson has closely followed the papacy of Pope Francis and the developments in the Catholic Church in Germany, and she has been writing articles on religion and politics for U.S. and European publications and websites such as LifeSiteNews, OnePeterFive, The Wanderer, Rorate Caeli,, Catholic Family News, Christian Order, Notizie Pro-Vita, Corrispondenza Romana,, Der Dreizehnte,  Zeit-Fragen, and Westfalen-Blatt.

