June 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Today, rumor had it that Pope Francis and President Joe Biden were to meet in Rome. This rumor came up in the midst of a heated debate in the U.S. about the question of whether or not the U.S. bishops — who are going to meet tomorrow — should issue a statement banning pro-abortion politicians from Holy Communion.
Just last night, CNA reported that Pope Francis, in light of that heated debate, chose not to invite Biden to a Holy Mass celebrated by him, which could have entailed Biden receiving Holy Communion. But this, too, turned out to be a rumor, as it now seems.
But the Pope’s personal views in this matter of Communion for President Biden are fairly clear. Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith appointed by Francis, wrote a June 7 letter to the head of the U.S. bishops, Archbishop José H. Gomez, asking him to hold back on issuing such a statement now, favoring the idea that “unity” among the U.S. bishops here is more important than the statement itself. It was a political letter to begin with.
But then, just the other day, Fr. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., one of Pope Francis’ closest advisors and editor of the Vatican-controlled magazine Civiltà Cattolica, explained regarding the Vatican’s intervention in the U.S., “The concern in the Vatican is not to use access to the Eucharist as a political weapon.”
That is to say: The current Vatican under Francis argues that priests and bishops should give Biden Holy Communion, even though he is actively promoting the killing of the unborn. Arguments of faith do not seem to apply here.
But in light of this seeming ideological alignment between Francis and Biden, let us consider what Hunter Biden thinks of abortion.
Jack Maxey, whom LifeSite — and prominently, LifeSite’s editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen — repeatedly has interviewed, kindly researched for LifeSite the Hunter Biden Laptop with regard to the abortion issue. We recall here that the Daily Mail has been able to receive confirmation by experts that this laptop is authentic. Maxey provided us with Hunter Biden’s recording and message that give proof to that Hunter Biden himself is in favor of abortion.
First of all, there is a recording from Hunter Biden’s laptop in which he speaks of the pressure he feels from many people who ask him for help and support. He then mentions a woman whom he calls “Daniela” and who constantly asks him for money which she needs for “a place to stay, a job, and an apartment, and a plane ticket, and rent, and travel money for my boyfriend who is a felon who needs to go into a rehab, and an abortion. It is always life-threatening sh…”
But worst of all, Maxey found a message from Hunter Biden in which he clearly defends the right to an abortion, even from the point of view of a father. He wrote, with repeated misspelling: “And if a man has the right to veto an abortion doesn’t t also have been the right to force an abortion.” That is to say, he thinks a father should have a right to “force an abortion.”
He continued: “If a woman feels she is not equipped to raise a child and was raped by her husband and chooses an abortion should t she be able to make the judgment that her husbands genes shouldn’t be carried into a new generation of rapists.”
Next to his obviously strange view of eugenics (passing on “bad” genes), it is clear that Hunter Biden supports abortion for different reasons.
But another aspect of that same message is provocative. A man who has fathered a child voluntarily or involuntarily, he wrote, “should be required to shoulder exactly half of all the work and emotion that raising a child requires.”
As the Daily Mail has only recently revealed, Hunter Biden does take no care at all of the child he has fathered in 2018. First, he had claimed he did not know the mother’s name — Lunden Roberts — and denied being the father. But even now, after having been forced to pay child support, he does not make any efforts to see his child.
“Lunden’s lawyer Clint Lancaster says the president’s son is still failing to take responsibility,” the Daily Mail wrote. “‘He has only taken financial responsibility when the court forced him to do it,’ Lancaster told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. ‘Mr. Biden hasn’t taken responsibility for this child until he parents her.’”
Nevertheless, President Biden, according to his own public statement, says: “I’m proud of my son.”
Not only is Biden proud of his son, he is also an active promoter of abortion. This is what makes him not eligible to receive Holy Communion, and this is not a political issue, contrary to what Fr. Spadaro claims.
Jack Maxey, the former co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room, who is an expert on the Hunter Biden laptop and its scandalous contents, comments on this Spadaro quote: “It is Pope Francis who has politicized the Eucharist. The Faith is the only thing that matters, the catechism is the only thing that matters. Nobody who supports abortion merits the Eucharist. A child going to catechism class knows that.” Applying this principle to Biden, Maxey added: “When you look at it through the lens of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, then Biden does not merit the Holy Eucharist.”
“But if you look at it through the lens of someone who has co-opted his faith and his soul to the Communist Chinese, just as Joe Biden, then everything is political,” as Maxey, who himself is a Catholic, added.
That is to say, through a political lens, such a decision would look different, because it has to suit political purposes, which means it has to protect President Biden.
Jack Maxey sees here also a parallel to the pachamama worship that Pope Francis had performed during the 2019 Amazon Synod in Rome. In both cases, the U.S. researcher and journalist says, there was a “rejection of fundamental Church teaching. Just think of Our Lady of Fatima. Don’t you think Our Lady is offended when the image of pachamama is displayed in our churches?”
But in light of Pope Francis’s intervention in U.S. episcopal affairs, one might very well also ask where his much-appraised principle of synodality and locality is being respected? Should Pope Francis not respect the local debates in the U.S., just as he insists he does with the discussions that are taking place in the Amazon region with regard to married priests and female deacons?
The U.S. bishops will meet tomorrow to discuss the matter of Communion for pro-abortion politicians. May they come to a decision in the Faith, and not to an inadequate and a specious political decision.