(LifeSiteNews) — The fight to end abortion and our Culture of Death consists of speaking to politicians and doctors, helping dissuade women thinking about abortion, and helping women who’ve had an abortion deal with their loss, says an abortion survivor who’s now a pro-life activist.
Dr. Imre Téglásy joins me on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to discuss his story and his thoughts on how to combat abortion and the Culture of Death.
Dr. Téglásy, who survived multiple abortion attempts by his mother in a time when abortion was illegal in Hungary, maintains that pro-lifers must speak to politicians and healthcare providers about abortion, namely that it would spell the death of their cultures and nations.
“First of all, we should [get] somehow into the mindset of the politicians and to inform them that the policy they are doing, the lawmaking that [they] are doing, this is plain way to the destruction of their own people,” he told me. He emphasized this point by explaining the cultural effects of abortion on women, which in turn affects the nation as a whole, using Soviet Russia as an historic example.
“[A deep] root of the problem [is] that women are forced to take part and to go to the marketplace, and to sell their own work for money,” Téglásy said. “So they were robbed out from their own family and they were put onto the marketplace so that they can sell their own work for money. And this was the very beginning of the Soviet society as well … the so-called ‘liberation’ of women had the slogan that we have to liberate women from the tyranny of husbands and children and being fertile, and everything was against the survival of the very same nation.”
“So we have to come somehow with this idea to our politicians that this is … suicide politics,” he added.
Speaking about healthcare providers, Téglásy told me that they need to be reminded of the Hippocratic Oath, in which they swore to do no harm: “We have to show them that they have the chance to change the route … they could go back to the very, very important principle of [the] Hippocratic Oath. ‘So I would not … perform abortion on women, neither I would give advice on how to do it.’ And these are the two aspects which they should have followed. And they have the freedom of conscience not to do it, not to perform abortion.”
Explaining how to discuss the issue with women, Téglásy stated that they need to be convinced of their own value, the value of motherhood and wifehood, and that marriage needs to be emphasized as the means for rearing children, a view that should be shared by politicians and healthcare providers.
“And thirdly, but not lastly, I would turn to the women to raise them and to educate them on their own value. But this value should be given by the politicians and by the doctors and husbands, and we have to rethink all the structure and all the mission of the marriage.”
Using Hungary and Europe in general as an example, Téglásy told me: “These days in Hungary, and I’m afraid all over Europe, the mission of marriage [is just] doing sex … as a tool … to get joy and to get some happiness.”
“And this is the reason why we just recognize each other or respect each other. This is not the best word, but we just look for each other … as a source for promoting my joy and [nothing] more … and not the long-term openness for giving life to our children,” he added.
Téglásy also suggested that “the mission of ours could be, ‘Let us be nations united in Christ for life.’ Nations, not one nation. Not something … mix and match, that makes them united. So together … in one idea, as a main principle, which would be common with all of us in Christ and for life … Not for the protection, not for the profit of elites, but the profit of the nations.”
He also stressed that the Catholic Church needs to play a critical role in the fight: “This is a task [for] our churches. Our Catholic churches. And I’m afraid that [we] should be more courageous and more active in this regard, because [the Catholic Church] is the only institution in [Hungary], or around the world, which has the power, the organization, the infrastructure and the belief itself … which could promote the cause of life.”
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