(LifeSiteNews) – The FBI and other law enforcement agencies can use “covert” or “clandestine” actions to do real harm to American citizens and other people – and we have no way of knowing about it.
It is sometimes said that those who suggest that federal or local law enforcement, the intelligence community, or other government entities would use secret police employees, covert surveillance, or other secret methods and weapons are unreasonable.
Critical thinking or common sense, though, might lead one to conclude that in many locations the unreasonable argument is that governments or local or federal law enforcement do not use secret surveillance technologies, secret weapons, and/or secret police.
It might appear too obvious to mention but is written here for the sake of discussion: some might have in their mind that one country’s government might only attempt to harm other countries (or their own citizens) by using bombs or other deadly weapons with effects that can be seen. “No bombs have been dropped on America recently, so we must not be under attack” might be a common subconscious thought. Bombs are, obviously, weapons with actions and effects that are usually observable. They are “overt” weapons.
But the use of observable “overt” weapons might allow a targeted country or citizens to defend themselves or retaliate. If a country or citizens in a country know they are being attacked by other countries they are more likely to defend themselves.
Or if a country’s national security personnel openly used advanced and innovative brain technologies which could record brain activity or “mind read” and manipulate brain activity or partially “mind control,” citizens or the country’s military might intervene. Covert surveillance with advanced technologies, or covert “biosurveillance,” would be more likely.
Similarly, anti-Catholic, anti-American, and anti-freedom people within the American government could do more harm to America or individual citizens for longer amounts of time if they do the harm secretly.
Indeed, it is probably more reasonable to suggest that in most (if not all) countries, secret weapons, secret police, or secret methods would be more likely to be used than overt weapons or methods. It is a significant point: a country, government, or in some locations a country’s federal law enforcement or local secret/covert police probably prefers to use secret or covert weapons or other methods that can harm a targeted person, group, or country without the role of the aggressor − government, secret police, law enforcement entity, etc. − being apparent or acknowledged publicly.
Covert hoaxes, climate change, and falsifying COVID information
The concept is partially explained in the definition of “covert action” from U.S. federal law from as early as the 1940s:
“covert action” means an activity or activities of the United States Government to influence political, economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role of the United States Government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly
Immediately one might think of “climate change” or a falsified pandemic as potential covert actions, with potentially several countries involved.
The definition is interesting for several reasons. One is that it implies the likeliness of governments using hoaxes, ruses, ploys, or other schemes; it is important to mention that the FBI, which operates internationally, has been said to use strategic deceptions or ruses and ploys “often.” (Page 132)
The definition of covert action is interesting for several reasons. One is that it implies the likeliness of governments using hoaxes, ruses, ploys, or other schemes; it is important to mention that the FBI, which operates internationally, has been said to use strategic deceptions or ruses and ploys “often.”
Another point is that the definition openly says that a government might target another entity by harming them in economic ways. Any government, not just the U.S. government, might “influence” a target, most likely in a bad way, by causing economic harm without the target knowing that the misfortune is intentionally caused by another country or one’s own government.
The above definition mentions the U.S. government, but obviously it could be applied to other governments, including one’s local or state government. Anti-American countries might use “an activity or activities … to influence political, economic, or military conditions [in America] where it is intended that the role of [anti-American foreign government] will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly.” Several countries could also work together and use such covert actions against authentic Catholicism.
What is currently going on in America? Expensive gasoline, food, and most other goods and services (significant economic harm), inflation (significant economic harm), previous years of mostly liberals in America denouncing America and using peer-pressure to get others to agree (continuous political harm), and it has been reported that forced COVID injections by the U.S. government may be causing military harm.
It might be significant that recent actions of mostly American liberal politicians likely caused, or significantly influenced, the almost unbelievable increase in gasoline and food prices in America. It is also significant that many government actions against so-called “climate change” are going to increase the cost of gasoline and other energy (or ban gasoline altogether). American liberals and others have openly discussed plans to increase the cost of gasoline and other energy.
Because it is likely that anti-American countries (or anti-freedom politicians, law enforcement personnel, etc., in America who might be working for anti-American countries) are likely to try to harm America in “covert” ways, and because many of the “global warming” or “climate change” claims cannot be verified even by the scientists themselves, it has to be suggested that “climate change” might be a covert hoax intended to “influence political and economic” conditions throughout the world, and especially in America. (It should be mentioned that some or many who previously supported or believed governments’ or scientists’ “climate change” claims were probably not intending to propagate a hoax or covert economic attack.) For many, such suggestions are probably common sense.
It may also be significant that many of the COVID pandemic actions of governments caused increase in prices in many countries. Such government actions could have been based on falsified statistics which most people could not verify. In other words, a hoax COVID pandemic could have been used as a secret or covert “activity or activities of [governments, countries, political sects, etc.] to influence political, economic, or military conditions [in the U.S., Canada, Europe, etc.] where it is intended that the role of [governments, countries, political sects, etc.] will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly.”
It is worth mentioning again: in many locations, the unreasonable position is to suggest that an enemy would attack America, authentic Catholicism, or other groups with observable weapons like bombs. It is also unreasonable to suggest that anti-American politicians or other government officials within America would use such overt weapons. Such people − enemies in foreign governments and enemies within the American government − would most likely use secret or covert methods, activities, technologies, or other weapons.
Law enforcement use of covert actions in America?
A significant point is that “covert” actions could be used in America by secret police or covert federal “law enforcement” to target specific people in America. “Covert action” includes attempts to economically “influence” or potentially economically harm other countries, but such methods could be used against specific persons in a country.
As mentioned above, the FBI might “often” use strategic deception, hoaxes, ruses, or ploys. It is significant that the FBI allows itself to own or operate businesses. (Page 1) (The document says such covert operating or owning of businesses is essential for the FBI; it should be mentioned here that U.S. Federal law apparently allows the FBI to publish false information.) Because the FBI might teach local police the FBI’s covert methods, one might also expect local police to own and/or operate businesses.
It is also significant that U.S. Senate documents have described the government secretly and intentionally causing “misfortune” to American citizens in the past.
It is also significant that U.S. Senate documents have described the government secretly and intentionally causing “misfortune” to American citizens in the past. (Pages 2-3)
Can you imagine the harm or “misfortune” that businesses secretly owned or operated by the FBI or local police could cause? Such secretly owned or operated businesses could significantly harm targets by intentionally causing them to have economic “misfortunes” or through different types of theft. Such FBI-owned businesses would also be almost impossible for non-government owned businesses to compete with.
And the FBI apparently allows its employees and others to commit “otherwise illegal activity”; it is difficult to determine if local police, specifically secret/covert police employees, allow themselves to commit crimes, but, again, state and local police might use FBI methods. If the FBI allows itself to commit crimes, and if the FBI teaches state and local police their methods, then state and local police might commit crimes from within secretly owned or operated government businesses.
Covert vs. clandestine government activities
But secret actions of government or federal or local law enforcement are obviously meant to be secret; as a result there does not appear to be much information available to discuss. A few documents provide some information; it should be mentioned, though, that the documents appear to imply that if members of U.S. Congress knew more about the secret actions of U.S. government officials, then American citizens would be more protected. That may or may not be true. The documents also almost completely ignore the corrupt covert or other secret actions of secret police or “law enforcement” entities like the FBI, which, again, might use such covert actions and strategic deceptions or ruses “often” against American citizens.
Some who discuss secret actions of government apparently distinguish between “covert” and “clandestine” actions; it is important to remember that such actions can be used by any government, not only the U.S. government. The definition of covert is provided above; “clandestine” action is defined as “operations sponsored or conducted by governmental departments in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment” of the activity. (Page 3) Clandestine activities may include
a range of activities in which the U.S. role is unacknowledged and that may be intended to influence the environment of another country prior to commencement of the principal operation. (Page 5)
Examples include
clandestine attempts to recruit or train foreign nationals with access to a target country to support U.S. forces in the event of a military operation; clandestine effects to influence foreign nationals of the target country concerned to take certain actions to influence and effect public opinion in the country concerned where U.S. sponsorship of such efforts is concealed; and clandestine efforts to influence foreign officials in third countries to take certain actions without the knowledge or approval of their government in the event of a U.S. military operation. (Page 5)
It is necessary to emphasize that clandestine actions may include attempts to “influence and effect public opinion” in specific locations.
It is necessary to emphasize that clandestine actions may include attempts to “influence and effect public opinion” in specific locations. Clandestine actions may involve “preparation of the environment” or “operations and activities conducted by selectively trained special operations forces to develop an environment for potential future special operations.” (Page 6)
Obviously, one way to secretly “affect public opinion” is through the news, television shows, movies, etc. However, another method that is often ignored which could affect public opinion is falsifying medical information or scientific research − because, of course, the news, television, etc. sometimes get their information from medical or scientific researchers.
If one studies how foreign governments operate, specifically some governments in the Middle East and Far East of the world, it seems that a reasonable person might not trust at least some of the medical or other scientific information published by persons from or within such countries.
It sounds harsh but it is reality. One with an education in healthcare and a basic understanding of corrupt − and in many instances untruthful − foreign governments might wonder why American health companies or U.S. government health officials trust chemicals, vaccines, etc. made in some foreign countries as well as the medical and other scientific information published by researchers or others within or from those countries.
Again, it might sound harsh, but simply refer to the above definitions of “clandestine” and “covert.” And then remind oneself that many people in the world − including in America − do not believe in or follow the Ten Commandments as they are accurately taught in authentic Catholicism. Similarly, it appears that some do not believe in the basic Truth that baptized people can commit mortal sin and then be condemned to hell. In other words, there are many people in the world who think they can do whatever they want and never be punished for their evil actions; it is another harsh reality that people will do the worst evils if they (wrongly) believe that God won’t punish them.
Clandestine operations on American soil?
Like “covert” action, “clandestine” action could be used by law enforcement to target specific people in America as well. “Clandestine operation” also includes “attempts to recruit or train” citizens “with access to a target country.” (Page 5)
Now, again, the FBI and possibly even covert local or state police might allow themselves to commit crimes and own and operate businesses, and such persons have access to control politicians or powerful businesspeople within America; which people in America are going to be recruited by anti-freedom and anti-American countries for covert or clandestine actions, then? The FBI, intelligence community, and local secret police entities are likely to be recruited by foreign governments.
Both liberal and conservative American citizens have questioned whether recent U.S. Presidents were/are smart enough to be President; such citizens know that a bad President can cause significant harm to Americans. But it is not clear if American citizens realize the harm that can be done by unintelligent, psychopathic, or simply bad officials in the FBI and other covert law enforcement and intelligence community entities.
It seems that it would only take a few bad or unintelligent government persons with the power to do “covert actions” or with the power to use covert or clandestine technologies (like remote technologies which affect the human brain or body or “biosurveillance” technologies) to harm many Americans.
Congressional research documents suggest that only a few American officials outside of the intelligence community are “with access” to covert or clandestine government actions; and such research acknowledges that covert or clandestine actions could have serious flaws. (Page 6) Such flaws could be deadly to both Americans and others throughout the world; similarly, covert or clandestine actions or technologies could be used to torture groups or individuals.
And this is one reason why such covert persons in the FBI, intelligence community, and local or federal secret police should likely be required to be public knowledge.
(The use of federal or local secret police entities might actually impliedly attempt to nullify many laws which are supposed to protect the average non-government citizen; secret police entities might actually nullify democracy or a democratic republic altogether. Think about it: if liberals say that one U.S. Presidential candidate is a threat to “national security,” and if federal or local secret police allow themselves to commit crimes, are elections going to be free and fair? Probably not. In part because of their significant power, police and/or other law enforcement employees should likely be required to be clearly identified as police, law enforcement, etc., at all times.)
And it seems clear that there should be laws which prohibit the FBI and local and state police, the intelligence community, and other secret government entities from secretly owning or operating businesses. Laws should also prohibit FBI, the intelligence community, or local police from getting involved with health care − including by coercing physicians, nurses, or others to participate in hoaxes or schemes which may be directed at specific patients during patient visits, operations, etc.
And think about this: health care entities, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. can also be said to be businesses or operators of business. The FBI, and potentially local police, may allow themselves to own and operate businesses. Again, laws should prohibit such FBI or law enforcement owned or operated health care entities.
It is a strange statement, but there also should be laws which prohibit the FBI, local and state police, the intelligence community, and others from committing “otherwise illegal activity” and falsifying information.
Another example can be provided here. Americans might think that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is required by law to publish only truthful information on food, drugs, vaccines, etc., to protect Americans from harm. And some might say that hoaxes and publishing false information is prohibited by U.S. federal law. But the federal law prohibiting hoaxes and conveying false information provides an exemption for “law enforcement agencies”:
This section does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency of the United States, a State, or political subdivision of a State, or of an intelligence agency of the United States.
It appears, then, to be accurate to say that the FBI or other law enforcement agencies “allow themselves” to commit crimes, falsify information, enact hoaxes, ruses, or other schemes, etc.
The U.S. Federal Department of Justice, in a similarly worded law enforcement exemption, explains that “the term ‘lawfully authorized’ describes functions approved in accordance with an agency’s rules and practices.” It appears, then, to be accurate to say that the FBI or other law enforcement agencies “allow themselves” to commit crimes, falsify information, enact hoaxes, ruses, or other schemes, etc. When it is studied thoroughly, the above law enforcement exemption apparently means that U.S. law enforcement agencies can convey or publish false information and propagate hoaxes if their own rules and practices permit.
It is important to mention that the FDA is apparently a law enforcement agency (“other Federal” agency with “authority to investigate”); thus, it seems at least possible that the above federal law implies that the FDA might publish false information and participate in or propagate hoaxes for “investigative, protective, or intelligence” reasons. Much of health care is determined to be “protective.” Vaccines are sometimes said to be “protective.” Would government officials lie about the safety of forced injections?
It seems that one might reasonably wonder if that occurred with the government-forced COVID-injections and potentially other FDA-approved chemicals, products, or devices. Because U.S. federal law apparently allows law enforcement agencies to commit hoaxes or falsify information, and since the FDA is apparently a law enforcement agency, can the FDA publish false information on drugs, devices, products, and foods? Again, laws allowing hoaxes or publication of false information do significant harm to a democracy.
After thoroughly studying similar subjects, one might conclude that “law enforcement agencies” in the U.S., and specifically those that act secretly or covertly, can do almost anything they want to, as long as their own rules and practices approve of it.
Because of its significance, the subject of “surveillance” in America, and specifically “biosurveillance,” should be mentioned. U.S. federal law states that the National Biosurveillance Integration Center
shall detect, as early as possible, a biological event of national concern that presents a risk to the United States or the infrastructure or key assets of the United States, including by […]
using an information technology system that uses the best available statistical and other analytical tools to identify and characterize biological events of national concern in as close to real-time as is practicable (6 U.S. Code § 195b)
Those laws are listed as “requirements” − apparently legal mandates − for the National Biosurveillance Integration Center; in other words, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and other “intelligence” agencies can say they are required by U.S. Federal law to “detect, as early as possible” certain “national concerns” of the United States by using “the best available statistical and other analytical tools” to “identify…events of national concern in as close to real-time as is practicable.”
It seems that Congress could have written that law, and similar laws, to prohibit technologies or “tools” that act on or in any way affect or monitor human biological processes, functions, etc. (the actual wording of the law would require more specific and accurate wording than the words used here). It could have also specifically excluded “tools” or technologies which monitor human actions or, believe it or not, human thoughts, plans, emotions, etc. (U.S. Federal government plans, other research/technologies, and non-government publications − if truthful − imply that such “tools” or technologies which remotely monitor (“record”) or effect (“manipulate”) human thoughts, emotions, plans, etc., can be developed, if they are not already developed and in use.)
In other words, it is significant that the U.S. federal government apparently has not made such “biosurveillance” or human body and brain monitoring and manipulating technologies illegal. Common sense leads one to conclude that one of the most highly sought after achievements for many governments would likely be a brain technology that can remotely “mind read” the thoughts of any human being at any moment of their life. Similarly sought after would be remote technologies that could control the minds, or at least partially manipulate the minds, of any human being in the world.
(Of course, local secret police and/or federal law enforcement might use technologies that could remotely torture/manipulate and monitor humans even if the law prohibited such technologies.)
Indeed, some critical thinking or common sense might lead one to conclude that it is reasonable to suggest that covert technologies, methods, or weapons are more likely to be used by governments than overt technologies, methods, or weapons; and, much more needs to be done to end the use of such harmful deception.