
On March 4th, LifeSiteNews launched a petition campaign calling for a reform of Development and Peace through the new Charity in Truth Project.

So far we have over 1,100 signatures. The petition will remain until Good Friday, after which we will send it to Archbishop Richard Smith, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

As we wrap up the campaign we’ve decided to re-release a video that we produced back in 2009 shortly after we began reporting on D&P’s pro-abortion partnerships.


This video is still as relevant as ever because it highlights D&P’s utter disregard for the right to life of unborn, which continues to this day.

Even if some of the partnerships in the video have been ended – which we cannot be sure of because they have not released a list of partners since 2009 – other pro-abortion partnerships nevertheless remain in place.

If you haven’t signed the petition to reform D&P, go do it now at!