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May 25, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – In a powerful sermon this past Pentecost Sunday, Father James Altman revealed that Bishop William P. Callahan of La Crosse, Wisconsin has asked him to resign. This comes as Fr. Altman continues to openly voice the truth, ever since his viral video message last fall calling out Catholics who voted for Democrats.
I wanted to hear Fr. Altman’s side of the story, as he comes under more fire from his bishop and others. Watch and listen to our incredible conversation below.
Fr. Altman talks to me about an incredible moment after his Sunday sermon as the congregation stood up and applauded him, showing that the faithful support this truly courageous priest. “The faithful know one thing above all: that I love my people and I will feed my people in word and in sacrament,” he told me.
Referencing back to his first video, “You can’t be a Catholic and a Democrat,” Fr. Altman continues to describe this simple truth as a “no-brainer.” He states that bishops and leaders of the Church must acknowledge this for their own personal integrity, and that “any shepherd who doesn’t say that, [should] get out of the Catholic Church.”
In these times when the faithful feel alone, abandoned, and shunned by clerics and the Catholic hierarchy, Fr. Altman provides the spiritual nourishment that is so desperately needed. In spite of the attacks coming towards him, Fr. Altman remains steadfast in spreading the truth and will fight to remain pastor of his flock at his parish.
Besides praying for him as he continues to go through struggles for speaking the truth, you can help Fr. Altman out in other ways. Go over to our LifePetitions page and add your name to a petition to Bishop Callahan in support of him. Also, please share this petition with your family and friends.
You can also head to LifeFunder and generously donate to help pay the high legal fees for Fr. Altman’s canon lawyer. Please visit this link to make your secure donation:
And finally, and most importantly, contact by phone the La Crosse diocese to politely but forecefully voice your support for this brave pastor, who has been the target of leftists in and outside the Church. Please ask Bishop Callahan to prayerfully reconsider his decision and allow Fr. Altman to remain as pastor of St. James the Less Parish.
Contact information for respectful communication:
Catholic Diocese of LaCrosse
Bishop William Callahan
3710 East Avenue South
P.O. Box 4004
La Crosse, WI 54602-4004
United States
+1 (608) 788-7700
Very Rev. William Dhein, Msgr. Michael J. Gorman, and Msgr. Joseph Diermeier, Vicars General
+1 (608) 791-2655
Rev. Woodrow Pace, Vicar for Clergy
+1 (608) 791-2652
Online contact form
Donate to Fr. Altman's fight for the Faith at by clicking here.
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