(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,
Our Advent/Christmas campaign began last Friday.
This is always the most important campaign of every year and the one with the largest needed minimum goal.
We hope and pray that your amazing generosity and commitment to this mission will continue again. That will allow us to keep all hands-on deck for what we are certain will be an extraordinarily challenging 2025 for both our staff and all of you.
Advent and Christmas originally occurred during the difficult times of the brutal Roman occupation and the corrupt King Herod who hated the Christ Child whom he correctly sensed would change everything.
And he has – forever.
Today, the Roman Empire is the New World Order cabal of the evil U.S. Deep State, the World Economic Forum, the greedy warmongers who become wealthy from slaughtering innocent children and their mothers, among many other defenseless souls.
Herod is, sadly, like the Freemasons, whose network has grown even to the point of being able to masquerade themselves as having authority over the Catholic Church – and over many of our institutions, including governments, the courts, law enforcement, health, business, education, entertainment and news reporting.
Several years ago, I was in Rome with John-Henry during one of our many, twice-per-year trips there, to meet with high-level international, pro-life, Catholic institutions and other related leaders in Rome and Vatican City. Even today, we cannot report much that what went on during those meetings. It can only be said that these unusually frank meetings motivated us to persevere and intensify our mission for the good of the whole world and people of all faiths who would suffer if we were silent and lacked the courage to do what must be done.
In addition to long strategy sessions with the international pro-life leaders, attending Vatican press conferences, and other special Vatican conferences composed of participant scientists or other professionals from all over the world, many of whom were not Catholic and did not agree with Catholic moral teachings, we also met with many high-level Vatican officials.
There were highly confidential and productive, private sessions with cardinals, other bishops and priests in important positions. I suggested to the group of pro-life leaders that we must focus more on the influence of Freemasonry. I sensed then, from all that I disturbingly saw developing, something sinister was infiltrating the Church and the world to a degree I have never sensed in my life.
Unfortunately, my premonition was more accurate than I could even have imagined. Freemasonry and similar, probably related, secret societies have flourished even more since then. They are not so secret anymore and much more open about their beliefs and plans. They seem to feel that there is no one holding them accountable anymore.
For now, that task has been passed onto we the people. That is why LifeSiteNews is so incredibly necessary to support.
Truth is getting harder and harder to find. LifeSiteNews is now a shining, ever brighter light in a deeper darkness.
We give you the truth on the earthly world and the spiritual world, which is the only one that is eternal. The other will just fade away. But the worldly truth is necessary to know for the good of people and for their souls. We serve everyone made in the image and likeness of God with our news reporting and highly informed commentary from numerous reliable, principled, exceptionally well-informed sources.
Our work is inspired and dependent on our and your prayers and your donations.
Please, give the most generous gift you can to this campaign so that LifeSiteNews may serve you and all who you know to the maximum of our ability. We take on the most challenging issues of the day because few others are willing to do so.
Please make a generous gift via give.lifesitenews.com so that the message from the child who changes everything may have an even greater impact on a world greatly needing Him at this time.
May God bless all of you and your family members.
Steve Jalsevac