Note from John-Henry Westen: A bit of viewer discretion is advised. This show is not for children to watch. However, it’s definitely for your teens.
(LifeSiteNews) — If you’re a regular reader of LifeSiteNews, you know just how much gender ideology has taken over our culture. But a lot of us don’t know the “internal” side of gender ideology – the stories of young people who were led astray by it and have suffered horrific physical, mental, and emotional consequences.
My guest on today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Brandon Showalter, journalist at the Christian Post and host of a podcast exposing the evils of gender ideology called “Generation Indoctrination.”
Showalter, who says he was “thrown into” covering LGBT issues when he first started at the Christian Post in 2016, starts by describing meteoric rise of “gender clinics” in the United States and the “atrocious” things they do to children. For instance, the combination of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones will “almost certainly render a child [permanently] sterile.”
“Since when did it become ethical to sterilize a child, especially when there’s no disease like cancer, where … you might lose your fertility because you’ve got drugs for chemo and radiation?” he says. “Gender confusion … [is] a psychological condition that does not warrant a hormonal or surgical intervention. So it’s a disgraceful practice. It should never happen in my opinion.”
Even worse are the “gruesome” surgeries for both boys and girls that involve amputation of genitals and the construction of fake genitals to correspond with the sex they are seeking to be “transitioned to.” Showalter says there are major financial incentives for hospitals to perform these surgeries, but also significant “ideological indoctrination” from schools and the media that tell children these drugs and surgeries can help them become their “authentic self.”
READ: Trump says November 5 will be ‘Christian Visibility Day’ after Biden’s transgender declaration
“This is neo-Gnosticism on steroids, literally,” he adds. “And it’s happening to young people, very young people,” including teenagers as young as 13 or 14 years old.
With regard to fake genitals, doctors will need to harvest and remove parts of the child’s skin – from the abdomen or forearm, for example – a process which undoubtedly leaves lifelong scars. Not only that, these “Frankenstein surgeries,” as Showalter calls them, can only approximate the working parts and thus don’t even serve much of an actual bodily function.
“This is intentionally damaging the body in pursuit of a physiological impossibility. This is surgery in pursuit of a lie,” he says. “A surgery should never be done to remove a physically healthy body part. Medical ethics is just dead as a doornail, in my opinion, that this would be something doctors or surgeons would ever do.”
As for what regular people can do to help end this crisis, Showalter urges all Christians to pray daily for divine deliverance from the evils of gender ideology.
“There are stories in Scripture where all hope seems lost and that we’re up against seemingly insurmountable odds. But God then shows up, and He uses a remnant of people,” he says. “If we pray, and if we set our faces like flint, and we believe that God is for us and not against us … and that He loves the little children … [Jesus] has very harsh words for those who harm them … If we pray, I believe we will see this wickedness dismantled in the realm of the spirit.”
“And if you’re led to other kinds of action, then that’s just between you and the Lord. Whatever He tells you to do, do it.”
For much more from Brandon Showalter, tune in to this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.
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