July 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Although the composer and lyricist of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus controversial performance of a song – now universally known as “We’ll convert your children, we’re coming for them” – declare that their song is a parody, the message is loud and clear: We’ve conquered, we’re unstoppable.
This is not parody. This is about the political power that LGBT forces have amassed, overwhelming every aspect of American culture.
These are not victims of a heteronormative society pleading for acceptance or to be left alone; this song, published on social media on July 1 – the day after “pride” month ended – is both a victory lap and a final shot across the bow.
These are arrogant conquerors who, despite their after-the-fact protestations, are letting it be known that the rainbow flag has been firmly planted in American culture, eviscerating science, nature, and morality by rejecting the immutable truth of complementarity.
We have a message for you:
You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked.
Fine. Just this once, you’re correct: We’ll convert your children … There’s really no escaping it.
Why would they unselfconsciously declare “There’s really no escaping it?”
Because it’s true. Activist homosexuals and transgenders have ostensibly won this war.
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in the public school they attend. Most teachers, administrators, school boards and teachers unions are 100% on the side of LGBT political forces. They are purveyors of LGBT propaganda. Teachers who dare to refuse to call a girl a boy or a boy a girl swiftly lose their jobs.
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism at the local public library: Drag Queen Story Hour is intended to accustom young children to men dressed in garish women’s clothing, erasing the clear lines drawn in your child’s head between male and female. One drag queen has said that exposing children to drag queens is no different than exposing them to strippers or porn stars.
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in children’s TV entertainment – Disney now features gay, lesbian, and “non-binary” characters, as do the Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and PBS. As Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has noted, “producers seem dead set on turning wholesome, family-friendly stories into a weapon of indoctrination.” Check out: Adventure Time (Cartoon Network), DuckTales (Disney), My Little Pony (Discovery Family), Arthur (PBS), The Loud House (Nickelodeon), Clarence (Cartoon Network), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (DreamWorks), Andi Mack (Disney), Steven Universe (Cartoon Network), Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Disney XD), and Gravity Falls (Disney).
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in sports. Every single NFL, NHL, NBA, and MLB team hosts “pride” events and sells “pride” shirts, hats, and other items emblazoned with rainbow enhanced team logos. The Washington Nationals have spotlighted a homosexual “marriage” proposal during a game, and the NFL has now declared that “football is gay.”
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in corporate America, because nearly every major U.S. and global corporation has jumped on the pro-sodomy and gender confusion bandwagon. Over 1,100 companies participated in the most recent LGBTQ Corporate Equality Index survey conducted by LGBTQ lobbying powerhouse, the Human Rights Campaign. A total of 767 companies received perfect scores.
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in the U.S. military, where an emphasis on sexual orientation and gender identity is taking precedence over military readiness.
- Your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in the United States government, because the president, his cabinet, and our Democrat-run Congress are controlled by LGBT political forces, in the same way they are under the thumb of the abortion industry.
- And your kids can’t escape the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism in the Catholic Church because of the very confusing messages delivered by Father James Martin, SJ; major prelates such as Cardinals Cupich, Tobin, and Gregory (and many others); and Pope Francis himself.
This song is a warning to Christians, and to all reasoning men and women: An all-out assault on complementarity has been going on for many years and, despite having gained much ground, ceded by our courts, legislatures, and many important social institutions, the LGBT lobby is not through. They will not stop until sodomy reigns over Christianity and other religions, and the differences between male and female are erased.
Their prime target for propaganda is children. Keep in mind: One last frontier they have yet to conquer is adult-child or adolescent sex, but it is within their sights and there are plenty of men outside the LGBT world who would also like to see legal prohibitions against pederasty and pedophilia lifted.
The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher has already noted:
The contempt these men show towards parents who don’t think like them is at the heart of this. The taunting that says, whatever your religious beliefs, we are going to steal the hearts and minds of your children, and there is nothing you hicks can do to stop us. It gives the game away. It gives the game away for them, and for all their corporate allies.
Dreher is correct in that the song “gives the game away,” but I think that was the intention all along. They are unafraid. They are proud. And they are determined to do precisely what they sang about.
I am a former member of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, D.C. who cringes at the lyrics – the battle cry – of this song. Don’t dismiss it. Don’t forget it. Don’t let them try to send it down the memory hole.