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Darren Agee MeragerTwitter

Reader advisory: Discussion of male genitalia.  

(LifeSiteNews) — Bizarre stories seem to come and go so swiftly these days that it is easy for the transgender movement to memory-hole the more egregious instances of their malfeasance, but I suspect many of you remember the 2021 Wi Spa incident, in which a man claiming to be a woman was confronted after exposing himself in a spa in Koreatown in Los Angeles. In June of 2021, several videos of a furious Hispanic woman confronting spa employees went viral. A man had entered the female side of the spa, and she wanted to know why it was okay for him to “show his penis around other women, young little girls, underage—your spa condones that? Is that what you’re saying?”   

The employee confirmed that under California law, that was the case. When an employee (and one woke male customer) attempted to educate her, the woman lost her temper: “I see a dick! It lets me know he’s a man! He is a man! He’s not no female. He is not a female…So Wi Spa is in agreement with men who just say they are a woman can go into the women’s section with their penis? Is that what you’re saying?” She turned scornfully to the woke customer. “It must be hard not to be a real man.” In response, trans activists and their media allies proclaimed the “transgender woman” a victim and stated that the woman who protested needed to be educated. 

It was then discovered, barely two months later, that Darren Agee Merager (the “woman” in question) was a tier-one registered sex offender with a long rap sheet, having been convicted in 2008 for failing to register as a sex offender, of indecent exposure in 2002 and 2003, and was facing six felony counts of indecent exposure from 2018 after being accused of exposing himself to women and children in the changing area of a pool in West Hollywood Park. There was no apology forthcoming from the media, who had damned his critics as bigots and insisted that this sort of thing simply could not happen. With a few notable exceptions (such as the New York Post), the media hastily moved on (this after the Los Angeles Times had beclowned itself thoroughly by referring to Merager’s member as “male-appearing genitalia” clearly in order to endorse his femininity.)  

There is an update to this story. Five felony counts of indecent exposure were filed against Merager in September 2021 by the LA county DA, and Merager had gone on the run. After fifteen months, he has been caught and imprisoned in a male facility, with bail set at $350,000. Merager agreed to speak to journalists from LA Mag, and the resulting interview is revealing. Merager claimed to be caught off-guard by the protests that resulted from his actions at Wi Spa: “That was the craziest thing. I was completely caught off guard by that. I live my own personal private life.” He claims he watched one of the protests from his car, and that he gave his name to the LAPD voluntarily: “I guess I realized that maybe I am very important to the world—because look how important this really is. This is an injustice. I’m the victim here.” 

WATCH: Spa staff approve man claiming to be woman exposing his genitals to young girls

Merager decided to run, he said, when he realized the bail would be too high to pay. Despite his view that he is a) a victim of transphobia and b) “very important to the world,” he decided that staying out of jail was more important. And as for his identity, he stated that he doesn’t get offended by male pronouns because he makes no attempt to actually “present” as female, despite insisting that he is: “I’m very neutral, like non-binary, although I don’t like that word. I’m legally female. But I have facial hair. I have a penis. I have no breasts. I don’t have a feminine voice. I don’t wear makeup or dress up like a female…But technically, for legal terms, I am she/her. I put ‘female’ on my driver’s license. But I’ve had to struggle my whole life fitting into traditional society.” This, it must be said, makes his claims of shock at the backlash to his presence in the female locker rooms dubious at best. 

Unsurprisingly, he also admits that he sleeps with women; that he decided to identify as transgender after having “problems in prison”; and that identifying as a woman was a better fit for him. When the journalists brought up the charges of exposing himself to children at the West Hollywood Aquatics Center, he scoffed them off: “In West Hollywood! One step away from Santa Monica Boulevard, where there are rainbows and guys sitting in windows with rubber balls sticking in their mouths. You bring your kids over here, and you’re afraid they’re seeing a transgender person?” (The parents, to be fair, were mostly concerned with how much of the “transgender person” their kids were seeing).  

In conclusion, Merager notes that people might not agree with him but says none of that matters—he is fundamentally in the right: 

It’s not for me to adapt to society at this point. Even if it’s the polite thing to do or you want me to or there’s a controversy or whatever, if nobody else is using a shower curtain or nobody else is using a swimsuit, it’s illegal to try and make me do it. Technically, and from all perspectives, I am female, and everybody agrees with that. We’re all on equal grounds under the law…State senator Scott Wiener [D-San Francisco] is out there saying California will be a sanctuary state for places in the country where it is a crime for children to transition. I called Wiener, and I said, “You’re passing transgender laws. How about enforcing them?” Republicans hate this stuff, but are the Democrats really on board with it or do they just want our vote? And even if the feminist lesbians are attacking me, which I know they are, there should be more responsible people in the L.A. County district attorney’s office, starting with George Gascón. 

And there you have it. The transgender movement is transitioning society to create the perfect conditions for men like Darren Merager to do precisely what they want, wherever they want, regardless of who is impacted. The rights and privacy of women and children do not matter. What matters is that a convicted sex offender can flash his private parts wherever he wants, because the state of California, the media, politicians like Scott Wiener, and the transgender movement support his right to do so. California is indeed a sanctuary state—for men like Darren Merager. Many other jurisdictions—with champions like Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon—seem determined to follow.  


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Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

