
Girl Scouts USA was a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and is its largest member. In 2008 and 2009 over 60% of WAGGGS’ membership fees ($2.45 million and $2.3 million respectively) came from GSUSA.

Prominently displayed on every DaisyBrownie, and Girl Scout uniform is the World Trefoil Pin, to “represent their connection to the worldwide sisterhood of Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding.” (Source for graphic here.)

The two groups are joined at the hip.

In March 2010 WAGGGS bragged that one of its delegatesNefeli Themeli, was among a group of young people advocating for “[a]ccessible, affordable and safe abortions” at the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Click to enlarge…

The above remained on WAGGGS’ website from March 2010 until October 2011. At that point heat obviously forced WAGGGS to hide “abortion” inside “reproductive health services.” 


The above was on the site until just this year, when WAGGGS removed it entirely. But WAGGGS has forgotten to remove the declaration given by Themeli at CSW54 on its behalf promoting “access… to… reproductive health services,” i.e., abortion.


You’ll note GSUSA’s website has distanced the group as far as possible from Planned Parenthood

But GSUSA CEO Kathy Cloninger sang a different tune when on The Today Show in 2004


This informative pdf gives several examples of both WAGGGS and GSUSA’s connection to International Planned Parenthood.

There is much more corroboration. Tragically, liberal feminists have poisoned the once noble Girl Scouts organization with a pro-abortion agenda. Pro-lifers have been trying for years to get people to notice. Finally, the organization overplayed its hand by calling late-term abortion filibusterer Wendy Davis “incredible” and abortionist protector Katheen Sebelius a woman of “courage, confidence, and character.” She’s a character all right. From the dark side.

But I digress.

All of this is to make the point that pro-lifers at large are calling for a boycott of Girl Scouts cookies this year, called “Cookie Cott 2014.” And this former Brownie is in.

Reprinted with permission from
