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LifeSiteNews reporter Dorothy with her husband Mark.

EDINBURGH, Scotland, June 26, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – I never cease to be amazed at the number of people I meet around the world who read LifeSiteNews. 

I got my first hint that LifeSite was a global phenomenon when I met some Scottish pro-lifers in a cafe outside Edinburgh’s Catholic cathedral, and they all congratulated me on my new job with a website they knew well.   

Soon after I was in Glasgow, interviewing locals who had gathered to celebrate a traditional Latin Mass with Cardinal Burke. They, too, were LifeSiteNews readers.

Most recently, at a wedding in rural Poland, I met a young man from Vienna who was also familiar with LifeSiteNews. 

“They send me emails,” he said, smiling.   

Speaking of Poland, one of my favourite internet searches involves seeing when Polish media picks up any of our stories. It’s great to see an ally in outlets like Polonia Christiana that frequently mentions LifeSiteNews as its source. 

Poland has one of the most exciting and vibrant pro-life movements in the world, and I am glad I get to report on it. One of the biggest pro-life stories to come from Poland in recent years is the amazing success of its Rosary to the Borders. LifeSiteNews was one of the very few English-language news publications to report on the nationwide Polish Rosary before it happened. The organizers told us that they expected a million: the actual number surpassed their expectations. 

What’s more, the Polish Rosary–reported in detail by LifeSiteNews–inspired nationwide rosaries for life in Ireland and Great Britain, in the United States and Australia. And that’s just one reason why we were happy to debunk the mainstream media’s fake news about patriotic Poles’ annual Independence Day March

Speaking of marches, LifeSiteNews reports from Marches for Life around the world–in the USA, in Canada, in Great Britain, and in Italy–often with staff reporting from the field. Unlike too many news organizations today, LifeSiteNews employs staff who live permanently in international centers of political importance, like Washington, D.C. and Rome

 Another worldwide phenomenon of interest to pro-life, pro-family readers is the continuing rise of Canadian Jordan Peterson. Peterson’s principled “NO” to a forced-speech, radical left-wing agenda has inspired millions around the world, and LifeSiteNews has followed his journey from local hero to global sensation. And I do mean global. Just within the past week, I have heard a young British aristocrat in Jerzmanowice (Saturday), a young Polish sales manager in Krakow (Monday), and my own Scottish husband (Tuesday) all spontaneously quoting Peterson. It sounds crazy, but this Canadian professor seems to be uniting young–and not so young–conservatives around the western world. 

And so does LifeSiteNews. And we wouldn’t be able to do what we do, in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Ottawa, Toronto, London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Rome, Warsaw and Krakow, without your donations. Thank you very much for your help in aiding LifeSiteNews connect the pro-life world.

Donate to our summer campaign by clicking here.

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Dorothy Cummings McLean is a Canadian journalist, essayist, and novelist. She earned an M.A. in English Literature from the University of Toronto and an M.Div./S.T.B. from Toronto’s Regis College. She was a columnist for the Toronto Catholic Register for nine years and has contributed to Catholic World Report. Her first book, Seraphic Singles,  was published by Novalis (2010) in Canada, Liguori in the USA, and Homo Dei in Poland. Her second, Ceremony of Innocence, was published by Ignatius Press (2013). Dorothy lives near Edinburgh, Scotland with her husband.