June 3, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I am pleased to bring you another interview with a courageous Catholic priest who is unafraid to speak the truth during these difficult times. Fr. Francis Gloudeman, from Ontario, California, has spoken powerfully in homilies with clarity and grace, calling out the bishops and even the Pope for abandoning the faithful.
During our conversation, I show some clips of Fr. Gloudeman’s homilies. To listen to the entire sermon click the link here. He tells me that he is speaking out about the hierarchy because their actions have caused “confusion among the people who need clarity, and they’re not getting it.”
The California priest has also preached about the refusal of many clergy to give Holy Communion on the tongue. He mentions that “it is a teaching of the Church” that the faithful cannot be denied the Body of Christ on the tongue.
Gloudeman adds that the laity must stand with and support those priests who are obedient to Jesus Christ. “We should reject those who are disobedient shepherds, those who closed their doors to the sheep, those who refuse to give the sacraments to the dying, those who refuse to give the Eucharist to those who have the right to receive it on the tongue.”
Fr. Gloudeman’s says his main motivation for calling out unfaithful bishops and even the Pope is love and compassion for souls and his flock. He also tells me that proclaiming the truth gives him joy, peace, and less fear. Lastly, he states that even though “our generation makes a virtue out of nice,” people must be ready to suffer and die for Christ, and for speaking the truth.
Click here to visit the Facebook page of San Secondo d’Asti, the church where Fr. Francis Gloudeman serves, where you can find his sermons.
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