OLNEY, Maryland, (LifeSiteNews) – A Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) perpetrated recently in very progressive Montgomery County, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C., suggests an intent to widen the scope of the strange events meant to deconstruct and obliterate male and female complementarity while destroying the innocence of young, vulnerable boys and girls.
Normally a quick scan of DQSH parent attendees shows mostly single moms and lesbian couples subjecting their children to these garish events. But this DQSH was a bit different. In some cases, moms and dads brought their kids to the library together, albeit usually with social-justice-warrior mom leading the way with dad sheepishly bringing up the rear.
Inside, “the room was packed,” tweeted Montgomery County Council Member Kristin Mink, “an overflow was opened, kids had a blast!”
Over a hundred community members showed up to welcome families to Drag Story Hour, a week after Proud Boys got violent in their (failed) efforts to disrupt a story hour here.
The room was packed, an overflow was opened, kids had a blast!
There were PBs spotted nearby, but 🧵 pic.twitter.com/jzCZd9lJq5
— Kristin Mink, Montgomery County Council (MD) (@KristinMink_) February 26, 2023
A group that calls itself the “Parasol Patrol” had converged on the library early in order, ostensibly, to “protect” attendees arriving at DQSH from being exposed to those protesting the event. In all, perhaps 200 rainbow umbrella- and banner-carrying parasol patrollers showed up, outnumbering protesters about 15 to 1.
Ms. Mink lamented that “A few religious protesters showed up with signs, but Parasol Patrol used rainbow [umbrellas] and Disney music to ensure children and families entering wouldn’t see or hear them.”
It’s interesting that Ms. Mink believes kids need to be shielded from those who are religious, ostensibly all Christian, while simultaneously subjecting them to a large male grotesquely parading as a woman.
In this case, it was a man who calls himself “D’manda Martini,” i.e., “Demand a Martini,” a name clearly meant to entertain adults, not tots and small children.
Mink also accused all who disagree with the notion of DQSH as being motivated solely by hate.
“We will not be intimidated,” Mink promised. “Montgomery County celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community, and displays of hate will only spur us to show up and do more to live that value out loud!”
Perhaps, ironically, it was the LGBTQIA+ forces outside the library that were doing all the intimidating — and doing so “out loud.”
In one instance, several people with rainbow flags and umbrellas blocked a Tradition, Family, and Property banner that showed a picture of Jesus with a young child and read, “Dear God: Let NOT the little children be perverted by Drag Queen Story Hours.”
In another, a large bearded man harassed a woman holding a Rosary in one hand and an icon of Mary and Jesus in her other. Though she had been silently praying, he refused to leave her alone.
“You seem to be concentrating your outrage on gay people,” the man said.
“What outrage?” the woman asked. “I have no outrage.”
“I think you are a unique creation of God,” she continued. “God planned you. God designed you.”
He attempted to convince her that anal sex is normal even among “straight” people, citing a survey from Pornhub, the adult pornographic site that has come under fire for posting child porn and even violent child rape videos to be displayed on its site.
Montgomery County executive Marc Elrich insisted to media representatives that the DQSH going on inside the library “looks exactly like any other story time I’ve ever been to.”
“We’re a pretty diverse, welcoming place,” he boasted, and asserted that “not everybody is the same, but because you’re different doesn’t make you dangerous.”
But in Montgomery County, which is run 100% by elected Democrats, if you don’t trade in your Rosary for a rainbow umbrella, you are seen as “different” and “dangerous,” and you most certainly are not “welcome.”