Will December 21, 2012 be the end of the world? I can say with certainty that it will not.
However, I cannot say the same of my last day on earth. You see, I honestly don’t know when I will die, and thus when I’ll be called to meet my Maker and answer for the life He’s given me. It may very well be tomorrow, or even later today.
That’s why the practice of “living every day as if it’s your last” makes such good sense with a view to eternal judgment. The notion of living out your last days with mayhem only makes sense if you’re sure there is no God.
And even if you doubt there’s a God, unless you’re absolutely positive – which is, of course, not possible – it is an insane gamble because it means a potential eternal reward vs. eternal punishment.
Such thoughts are a real help when presented with temptations to give in to the culture of death. The allure of selfishness, pornography, overeating, cheating, lying, promiscuity and the like are powerful and there is little in our culture today that discourages them. Remembering the eternal realities provides motivation to do good and avoid evil.
Especially for people of faith, living with these realities in mind will significantly alter how we treat our fellow human beings, how we “love” them.
It is much easier to “accept and respect” the anti-life/anti-family actions and attitudes of our friends and neighbors, rather than calling them on it. Gently confronting our loved ones with the truth by word and example is definitely challenging. However, with the eternal realities in mind, it is the only way to truly love them.
So, while the hype around the Y2K and Mayan Apocalypse may be detrimental in some respects, the fact that it gets us thinking about the end of our lives can have some redeeming side effects. Happy December 21, 2012.
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