(LifeSiteNews) —In 2019, the rapper and Oxford graduate Zuby of Southampton, UK, decided to highlight the ridiculousness of the debate over permitting men who identify as women into female sports. On Twitter, he posted videos of himself at the gym, “destroying” female weight-lifting records—and “identifying as female” as he did so. Zuby was a muscular 32-year-old, but not a professional athlete. Despite that, he broke the women’s dead-lift record of 238 kilograms “without even trying.”
Forty-four-year-old MMA fighter Jake Shields, who has competed on the Rock Welterweight Champion and is a former Strikeforce Champion, wants to make the same point—that allowing men to compete against women is stupid, if not dangerous. He took to Twitter this week to issue a challenge:
Since trans men are real men I would like to challenge the 10 toughest trans men in the world to a fight.
I fight them with no training camp and no rest between each fight.
Let’s go, alphabet people get your 10 best and prove me wrong.
My offer has been updated, I will fight Mike Jackson and 10 trans men.
This is a serious offer so get your team ready
A million views and not a single trans Man has stepped up to accept my challenge.
I’m starting to think they don’t have the b[****] to fight me.
Shields, predictably, has had no takers. Critics might write his challenge off as a stunt, but Shields is making a real point. Just as Zuby could beat the women’s dead-lift record “without even trying,” most people wouldn’t be surprised if Shields could do precisely what he says he can—which is take ten women in a row in a fight (or, as he boasted later, all at once). In the ring, ideology doesn’t matter and biology bites back. Alice Atalanta, a pro-trans female fighter, laid that out clearly in a long post written for Medium titled “I am a Biological Female Fighter Competed Against a Trans Athlete. Here’s What Happened.”
READ: Leftists protest campus debate on transgenderism by burning an effigy of Michael Knowles
What happened, of course, came as no surprise to anybody. Atalanta got beaten. Not as bad as when Fallon Fox—a man identifying as a woman—broke his female opponent’s skull in the ring, but badly nonetheless. LifeSiteNews writer Dorothy McLean, who boxed in her twenties, noted that female fighters are fully aware of what will happen if they step into the ring with men. “I once sparred with a 15-year-old boy who got mad and gave me a nosebleed,” she noted. “I don’t think there’s a female boxer alive who has any illusions about what it means to fight a man in the ring.” Despite that, many are forced by the ideological climate to pretend they have these illusions, and to pretend that the men they are fighting are actually women.
Female athletes are paying the price for gender ideology, a point made powerfully by the Egard Watch Company in this recent ad—seen by some as a response to Bud Light’s recent marketing decision to feature Dylan Mulvaney as a company sponsor:
What a powerful response to Bud Light and Budweiser
On behalf of real women, THANK YOU @EgardWatchCo!! 👏
pic.twitter.com/jwu8IvsTZU— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) April 20, 2023
When it comes to competitive fighting, of course, there is more than merely medals at stake. As we saw with Fallon Fox bashing in the head of his female counterpart, there is real physical danger here. But once again, women are collateral damage for trans activists. They are collateral damage when male sexual predators are locked up with women in female prisons. They are collateral damage when men are permitted into women’s shelters and rape crisis centers. They are collateral damage when men are allowed into female bathrooms and changerooms. But surveying all of this, the trans activists have decided that the safety of women is a small sacrifice to make.
READ: Detransitioners share moving testimony in support of New Hampshire parental rights bill