On February 13 I wrote about a shocking video exposé produced by American Life League that used Planned Parenthood’s own graphics, websites, photos, and video to show its massive and perverted campaign to hook our kids – beginning in Kindergarten – on sex.
As ALL narrator Michael Hichborn said about one of PP’s materials, “If a dirty old man showed this book to kids in a park, he’d be arrested.”
But you and I unwillingly pay Planned Parenthood with our taxes to show them the same soft porn.
No surprise, ALL’s video went viral. After only four days on YouTube Hooking Kids on Sex got over 200,000 views.
Then came a complaint about one of the photos in the video. No doubt at the behest of Planned Parenthood, a former intern complained that ALL had used a photo of her without her permission. And YouTube removed the video.
I’ll show the disputed photo in my next post. ALL would likely have beaten the complaint by reminding YouTube of the Fair Use exception to copyright laws, but that would have taken too much time and may have reached a dead end.
So ALL reworked the video to hopefully preclude any copyright complaints. ALL has also retained a legal firm to do battle if there is another complaint.
The first couple minutes of ALL’s new video are the same. Then ALL has inserted new images/video from PP to show PP’s strategy to, in its words, “encourage increased homosexuality” and ”restructure the family.” WARNING: graphic….
If YouTube again removes ALL’s video, you can view it on an embeddable permalink on ALL’s private video server.
Reprinted with permission from JillStanek.com