It seems that most, but not all, commentators have missed the main significance of the Newtown massacre of innocents. It is a warning, the latest in an ongoing series of increasingly terrible incidents warning America and in fact most of the developed West (Norway massacre) to turn back from their self-destructive ways.
Our growing cultural depravity, as some commentators have correctly fingered, is the primary and underlying cause of these gut wrenching social catastrophes.
It will likely get worse, much worse, given current circumstances. I suggest we have not seen anything yet, unless…
It will get worse because so very few are yet willing or even able to see what is obvious to us at LifeSiteNews and many of our readers.
There are days when we find it very hard to write and publish those reports on the sickening, disturbing ills of our culture that seem to have no end. That is why we have been seeking more Culture of Life stories to provide a balance.
We find it constantly alarming, despite very professional reporting of undeniable facts, that so many reject and will not believe what we report and cannot see the gravity of what is being reported. The hardest to endure is the intense animosity we receive from some clerics for daring to report unresolved uncomfortable matters that others have avoided reporting.
Politicians, far too many religious leaders and others in leadership positions of all kinds, dismiss reports such as ours as negative, alarmist, divisive, “doing the work of Satan”, etc. And yet, this work is actually one of love, one of true charity, trying to help our fellow man to see what is wrong and what is truly right, so that he will be motivated and armed to act to avoid disaster. Also, everything that we have reported, with a miniscule number of quickly corrected exceptions, has held as being true.
We just can’t deny what we see and can’t stand by while our world self destructs for lack of knowledge, leadership, faith and courage.
You know the list – a culture of death with its many manifestations of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, embryo experimentation and more. That alone would be enough to kill any culture.
But then we are also enduring the oppression of pervasive pornography, radical feminism and sexual perversions of all kinds; persecution of faithful Christians and others of good conscience; a catastrophic drop in marriage and healthy family life; a growing totalitarian mindset in government and other institutions; the ridicule of families with more than two children; intensive liberal indoctrination of children and an avalanche of sexual abuse of even the very young through vile sex “education” school programs; corrupt, near diabolical movie, television, music, magazine and book publishing industries.
Adam Lanza was a child of divorce, living in a unreal world of violent video games and now we hear, even Satan worship. I have no doubt he was also consumed into pornography. Porn, immersion in violent media, mental disturbance and social isolation are a frequent recipe for openness to acts of violence or other depravity. This is not rocket science. Just common sense.
Adam also lived a fatherless life with with a mother overly anxious about the world about her, but also, like so many single mothers, without sufficient emotional support and positive influences – a now growing and very common situation in our culture.
Sure, there were other critical issues in Adam’s life but, tying each of these types of incidents to another, there are threads that point to the sick culture as being the common factor in these horrors.
The bottom line of the cultural catastrophe has been the widespread collapse of religious belief and practice. That has left a vacuum for all sorts of dark influences to enter.
However, all is never lost as some of our reports on the Newtown event have indicated.
And yet, but for a few, it does not appear that this incident has been understood. We have yet to heed this and other warnings to turn back from our current ways.
When will it finally happen? What will it finally take?
At the moment, I am not too positive. I fear that the darkness will have to deepen far more before hearts and minds are opened.
About 35 years ago I suddenly went from being pro-abortion, pro-population control and much more that was wrong, to someone who saw clearly for the first time in years. I was dismayed about what I had so foolishly and dangerously accepted from liars and propagandists.
Therefore, I understand and have empathy for the masses of lost souls in this world of ours. I was there and only by the grace of God came out if it, for which I will forever be thankful.
That is why I have given my life to this mission.
To those who pray, your prayer is probably the biggest order of the day. You are likely the only ones who can save this civilization at this time when it appears to be facing a social cliff much worse than a fiscal cliff.
Miracles can happen – and they will.