Editor’s note: This article, originally published in 2023, is being republished to coincide with the 2025 World Economic Forum conference taking place in Davos, Switzerland, from Monday (Jan. 20) to Thursday (Jan. 23).
(LifeSiteNews) — What if I told you that you could trace the same sort of satanic, occultic religion that really vivified the Nazis to today’s World Economic Forum?
That might sound just too weird to be true. But what if there was evidence tying the two together? Well, that’s what we’re going to look at in today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.
We have with us a guest, Professor Mikko Paunio, and he joins us today along with Frank Wright, whom you all know from his writing at LifeSiteNews.
Now get this: Professor Paunio is an epidemiologist who’s worked for a number of public health institutions in his native Finland, as well as a brief spell at the World Bank. He’s currently Senior Medical Officer in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland. His work as a scientific and policy advisor has seen him involved in state-level meetings across Europe and the United States.
It’s he who has done the research on this, he who has been involved with these kinds of people in very elevated positions. And I think the conclusions he draws, the evidence he brings forward, are going to startle you. This is The John-Henry Westen Show.
READ NEXT: Finnish professor exposes the occult roots of the World Economic Forum
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