One in five Planned Parenthood affiliates has been identified in state and federal audits as perpetrating waste, abuse, and potential fraud.
Those details and more emerged today in a press conference held by the Susan B. Anthony List and Alliance Defense Fund as they announced the contents of a report they were submitting to Congressman Cliff Stearns, Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, which is currently conducting an investigation of Planned Parenthood.
The report lists what is publicly known about overbilling and potential fraud on the part of Planned Parenthood affiliates, under the oversight of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Planned Parenthood affiliates in California, New York, Texas, and Washington have been found through state audits to have committed a variety of abuses, including extensive overbilling and illegal billing for abortion-related procedures to the tune of $8 million.
In addition, federal audits of family planning programs, of which PP gets the lion share, have identified between $88-99 million in overbilling between 1995-2009, according to the Inspector General’s Office at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The SBA/ADF states two of those audits “specifically identified Planned Parenthood, and only Planned Parenthood,” as the source.
The report also includes information about two federal whistleblower lawsuits filed by two former Planned Parenthood employees in California and Texas alleging massive Medicaid fraud. The alleged fraud includes overbilling for prescription drugs, improperly claiming services for family planning that weren’t, and billing for unnecessary services.
Planned Parenthood and its supporters have claimed the congressional investigation is politically motivated.
But the audits and lawsuits tell a different story.
Read the detailed report here and the summary here.